Agenda item

2017/0761/FUL - Residential development of 148 dwellings (amendment to 2015/0687) - Former Polymer Latex Site, Weston Hall Road, Stoke Prior, Worcestershire - Mr Mark Elliot


Officers provided additional information in relation to the proposed residential development, with regards to: Highway, Contaminated Land, Air Quality Matters and Urban Design matters, further to additional comments received from Highway Consultant Mott McDonald, Worcestershire Highways Authority  and Worcestershire Regulatory Services; proposals for amending Conditions 6 and 7; with the addition of seven further Conditions; and amended Section 106 contributions towards the provision of enhanced education facilities at Stoke Prior First School, Shared Aston Fields and St John’s Middle and South Bromsgrove High, all as detailed in the published Update Report,  copies of which were provided to Committee Members and the public gallery prior to commencement of the meeting.  Officers also provided a verbal update on comments received from the Council’s Drainage Engineers who had no objections to the development.


The Committee then considered the Application, which had been recommended for approval by Officers.  Having considered the Officer’s report and Update, Members queried why there was no mention in the Section 106 details for the provision of wheelie bins for the proposed development; and that funding should be sought from the developer.  Officers explained that this had been omitted from the application as approved in 2015 but could be rectified through the amended S106 agreement should Members be minded to approve the Application.  In response to Members queries, Officers also provided clarification as to why the NHS had not sought contributions under the original or this amended Application.




1)    Planning Permission be delegated to the  Head of Planning and Regeneration to determine the planning application, subject to the receipt of a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism in relation to the following matters:


              i.        the provision of 21 affordable housing units;

            ii.        a contribution of £285,685.61 towards the provision of enhanced education facilities at Stoke Prior First School, Shared Aston Fields and St John’s Middle and South Bromsgrove High;

           iii.        a contribution of £23000 towards public transport improvement measures including bus stops on Shaw Lane and cycle provision at Ryefields Road;

           iv.        the provision and maintenance in perpetuity of the proposed on site public open space, Local Equipped Area of Play and areas for habitat  enhancement;

            v.        the provision of and maintenance in perpetuity of the proposed drainage facilities on the site (including the balancing ponds and pumping station); and additionally

           vi.        a contribution of £61.40 per dwelling for the provision of wheelie bins and a separate contribution of £1632 per apartment block for the provision of communal bins.  


2)    the Conditions as detailed on pages 14 to 18 of the main agenda report,  but with Conditions 6 and 7 being amended to read as follows:


6.  The remediation of the site must be carried out in accordance with the Georisk Management Geoenvironmental Assessment; Report ref: 14247/1 and the Georisk Management Remediation Method Statement & Validation Plan; Report ref: 14247/3, Dated: July 2017 prior to the commencement of development, other than that required to carry out remediation, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority;


7.  Following the completion of the measures identified in the Georisk Management Geoenvironmental Assessment; Report ref: 14247/1 and the Georisk Management Remediation Method Statement & Validation Plan; Report ref: 14247/3, Dated: July 2017, a validation report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced, and is subject to the approval of the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any dwellings.


3)    the following additional Conditions as detailed on pages 4 to 5 of the Update Report, as detailed below:


14)                        No other development (hereby permitted) shall commence until

                  visibility splays have been provided on each side of the

                  proposed access on a line joining a point 2.4 metres back from

                  the nearside edge of the adjoining carriageway measured along

                  the centreline of the access, to a point 54 metres west and 59                       metres east measured along the nearside edge of the

                  carriageway from the centre of the new access. Nothing shall be

planted, erected and/or allowed to grow which exceeds a height

of 0.6metres on the triangular area of land so formed in order

not to obstruct the visibility described above.  


Reason: Required as a pre commencement condition in the

interests of highway safety.


15)      Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling hereby approved the

            existing vehicular access onto the adjoining highway shall be

            permanently closed. Details of the means of closure and

            reinstatement of this existing access shall be submitted to and

            approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the

            commencement of work on the development hereby approved.  


                        Reason: To ensure the safe and free flow of traffic using the

                        adjoining County highway.


 16)     The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until

            the accesses shown on the approved plan have been properly

            consolidated, surfaced, drained and otherwise constructed in

            accordance with the Worcestershire Highways Design Guide

            and these areas shall thereafter be retained and kept available

            for those users at all times.   


           Reason: In the interests of Highway safety and to ensure the

            free flow of traffic using the adjoining Highway.


 17)     Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling hereby permitted the

            residential unit shall be fitted with an electric vehicle charging

            point in accordance with details that shall first be submitted to

            and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and

            thereafter the charging point shall be keep available for the

            charging of electric vehicles.  


           Reason: To encourage sustainable travel and healthy



 18)     The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use

            until the applicant has submitted to and have approved in writing

a residential travel plan that promotes sustainable forms of

access to the site with the Local Planning Authority. This plan

thereafter will be implemented and updated in agreement with

Worcestershire County Councils Travel plan co-ordinator.  


           Reason: To reduce vehicle movements and promote

sustainable access to the site.


 19)     No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until the

applicant has submitted to and had approved in writing a

welcome pack that promotes sustainable travel for future

residents with the Local Planning Authority.   


           Reason: To reduce vehicle movements and promote

            sustainable access to the site.


 20)     During the course of any site clearance and development, the

            hours of work for all on-site workers, contractors and sub-

            contractors shall be limited to between;  

           0730 to 1800 hours Monday to Friday  

           0800 to 1300 hours Saturdays  

           and NO WORKING shall take place at any time on Sundays,

                        Bank Holidays or Public Holidays or at any time outside of the

                        above permitted working hours unless first agreed in writing by

                        the Local Planning Authority.   


           Reason: In the interests of the amenity of neighbouring


Supporting documents: