Agenda item

Parking Enforcement - response to points raised at the Board meeting held on 26th June 2017


The Environmental Services Manager together with a representative of Wychavon District Council’s Civil Parking Enforcement Service presented a report addressing the points in relation to parking enforcement that had been raised at a meeting of the Board on 26th June 2017. 


During consideration of this item the following points were discussed in detail:


·                The cost of the parking service for Bromsgrove District Council was just over £202,000.  This figure covered all of the parking services, not just enforcement.

·                The revenue generated by parking fees.  Members were advised that £49,000 were generated from fines from on street parking and over £75,000 from off street parking.

·                Income to the Council from parking was just under £1 million, when parking payments that did not involve a fine were taken into account.

·                Members requested a breakdown of the finances for the service.

·                The work of bailiffs involved in recovering unpaid parking fees.  Members were advised that any bailiffs would be selected by Bromsgrove District Council and did not form part of the contract with Wychavon District Council.

·                The current consultation taking place in respect of parking payment machines.  Members were advised that this consultation process was due to be completed in November.

·                The length of time vans were permitted to use to unload goods at retail premises.  Members were advised that vans were permitted 10 minutes for such purposes before enforcement action would occur.

·                The focus of the original Notice of Motion to Council on parking in the vicinity of schools and the potential for enforcement action to be taken in these areas.

·                The potential, under the Highway Code, for drivers to stop on double yellow lines to enable children to alight or be collected and the fact that this meant enforcement action could not be taken in these circumstances.

·                The problems that occurred when parents arrived early to collect their children from school.  In some cases parents would park on double yellow lines and leave their engines running whilst they waited.

·                The role of the schools in educating parents about parking requirements and action that had previously been taken by local schools to address this problem.

·                The role of Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) in respect of undertaking enforcement action close to schools.  The Board was informed that only the Police could take enforcement action in relation to blocked pavements.

·                The number of parking enforcement officers operating in the district.

·                The potential to raise the issue of parking problems and enforcement difficulties with Worcestershire County Council which had lead responsibility for many aspects involving public highways and local authority schools.

·                The number of complaints received by Members in respect of parking violations and the need for the Council to address residents’ concerns.


Following consideration of the report the Board considered action that could be taken to address this issue moving forward.  There was general consensus that a Task Group review focusing on parking problems around schools should be undertaken.  Members noted that there were already two scrutiny reviews taking place and a further review coming to its conclusion.  In this context it might not be possible to launch this exercise until some of the other scrutiny work had been completed due to the implications for both Members’ and Officers’ workloads.  However, a Topic proposal form, setting out proposed terms of reference, could be drafted and submitted for Members’ consideration at the following meeting of the Board.




(1)       A Task Group be established to review parking problems around schools in Bromsgrove district;

(2)       Councillor C. J. Bloore be appointed as Chairman of this review;

(3)       Non-Executive Members be invited to express an interest in participating in this exercise;

(4)       The Senior Democratic Services Officer meet with Councillor Bloore to complete a Topic Proposal form for this review; and

(5)       The Topic Proposal form be submitted for Members’ consideration at the next meeting of the Board.


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