Agenda item

Tree Preservation Order (2) 2017 - Land at Foxlydiate ADR - land adjoining Curr Lane, Pumphouse Lane and Gypsy Lane



The Committee considered a report which detailed proposals to confirm, with modifications, Tree Preservation Order (No.2) 2017, relating to trees on land at Foxlydiate ADR adjoining Curr Lane, Pumphouse Lane and Gypsy Lane.


For the purpose of clarification, Councillor Whittaker reported that, Councillor C.B. Taylor was the Council’s relevant Portfolio Holder for the matter and not himself, as stated on page 1 of the report.


RESOLVED that Provisional Tree Preservation Order (No.2) 2017, relating to trees on land at Foxlydiate (ADR designated land) adjoining Curr Lane, Pumphouse Lane and Gypsy Lane, be confirmed with modification from the Provisional Order, as raised and shown in Appendix (1) to that as shown on the plan and described in the schedule of trees in Appendix (2).



Supporting documents: