Agenda item

Recommendations from the Cabinet

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 7th March 2018 and 11th April 2018.


Air Quality Management Area – Kidderminster Road, Hagley


The recommendation from Cabinet in respect of the Air Quality Management Area, Kidderminster Road, Hagley was proposed by Councillor P. J. Whittaker and seconded by Councillor G. Denaro.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Whittaker, as Portfolio Holder for Regulatory Services, presented the report and in so doing highlighted that this matter had been debated in detail at both the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting and again at Cabinet and therefore he did not propose to go into detail.


Members discussed a number of areas in more detail, including:


·         The data within the report was only up to 2016 and concerns were raised that a decision should not be made until more up to date data was available as due to a number of new developments in the area there was the potential for the traffic and therefore the air quality, to have changed in that period.

·         The type of monitoring that was undertaken and recent news reports were highlighted in respect of the dangers in other areas which were proving to be more harmful to people’s health.

·         The use of variable messaging systems to redirect vehicles away from the AQMA – it appeared that there was new technology which could be used but that there had been no progress on this since 2016.

·         Concerns were raised in respect of a previous AQMA which had been in Rubery which had been revoked due to a decrease in traffic, however due to recent developments in the area Members were concerned that there was the likelihood that this would need to be reinstated and requested that this was looked at as a matter of urgency.  The Leader agreed to take this matter up with the WRS Officers outside of the meeting.

·         The need for monitoring to continue – it was explained that whilst the AQMA would be revoked monitoring would continue and that the WRS Officers had discussed with the relevant ward councillor particular areas which should be monitored.

·         The need for that monitoring to be more detailed and in more appropriate locations.  It was noted that Cabinet had agreed to look at the costings for this to take place.

·         The current levels were below those required by the Defra guidelines and therefore Defra would not look upon the Council favourably in the future should they continue to have what they would class as an unnecessary AQMA.

·         It was suggested that a decision in respect of the revocation of this Kidderminster Road, Hagley AQMA be deferred until further information had been received in respect of more detailed and regular data collection and the cost implications of alternative methods.

·         The recommendations made at the Overview and Scrutiny Board had been considered by Cabinet and they had agreed to investigate the potential for further, more detailed, monitoring in both Hagley and other areas throughout the District. 


Councillor Peter McDonald proposed that an amendment was made to ensure that air quality in Rubery was monitored and following the Leader’s agreement that he would take this up with officers at WRS the amendment was withdrawn.


Councillor L. Mallett proposed an amendment to the recommendation that the report be deferred pending receipt of up to date monitoring data and the information and cost in respect of more detailed monitoring, this was seconded by Councillor S. Baxter.


Following further discussion the item was deferred.


Addendum to Council Tax Support – Hardship Policy


The recommendation from Cabinet in respect of the Addendum to Council Tax Support – Hardship Policy, was proposed by Councillor B. C. Cooper and seconded by Councillor G. Denaro.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Cooper reminded Members that this was in respect of a resolution made at Worcestershire County Council in January 2018, when the Council had recognised the challenges young people faced when transitioning out of the care system into adulthood.  This had been endorsed by Leaders across the county at the Leaders Board meeting on 1st February 2018 with an amendment to provide full support until the care leavers’ 25th Birthday.  It was explained that the most appropriate manner in which to implement this was through an addendum to the Council Tax Support Scheme Hardship Policy until the review of the Council Tax Support Scheme was completed and a decision reached, following that review, as to whether it be included within the core Scheme.


Following presentation of the report Members discussed a number of areas and agreed that whilst this was a good policy there was an opportunity to go a step further and to cover the young people should they move outside of the area, it was suggested that the number that this applied to would be negligible but would be a great support for any young person who was able to seek employment or training outside of the area.


Councillor Cooper acknowledged that this was an important point and hoped that it would be something which was picked up within the review of the scheme later in the year. The Leader also acknowledged this suggestion and assured Members that he would look into the matter further.


RESOLVED that the addendum to the Council Tax Support Hardship Policy ‘Support for Care Leavers’ be agreed.


Finance Monitoring Quarter 3 Report


The recommendations from Cabinet in respect of the Finance Monitoring Quarter 3 2017/18 Report were proposed by Councillor B. C. Cooper and seconded by Councillor G. Denaro.


In presenting the report Councillor Cooper highlighted that it gave the Council’s financial position for Revenue and Capital for the financial period April to December 2017.  The Council was on course to meet its targets with a small underspend.  The recommendations referred to two technical issues which needed Council approval, an increase in the Capital Programme for the Disabled Facilities Grants and a virement of capital for from the vehicle replacement to the infrastructure works at the Bromsgrove depot.


During the ensuing debate Councillor Cooper clarified that the virement would not impact on the purchase of vehicles, but that would cover the first stage of the depot car park resurfacing, which had been flagged up as a health and safety issue.


A Member raised an issue in respect of the cost of IT Software Licensing and it was agreed that this would be taken up through the Finance and Budget Working Group, with the relevant officer being invited to attend the Group’s next meeting.




a)    a retrospective increase in the 2017/18 Capital Programme of £78k for the Disabled Facilities Grants be approved (this reflects the recent funding received from the DCLG for the provision of adaptations); and


b)    a retrospective capital virement of £100k from the vehicle replacement to the infrastructure works at the Bromsgrove depot be approved (this is due to improvements undertaken in relation to Phase 1 of the depot car park resurfacing).

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