Agenda item

To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 26th April 2017 and 17th May 2017


During consideration of the minutes from the meeting held on 26th April 2017 a number of points of clarification were raised.


Councillor L. C. R. Mallett referred to Minute No. 109/16 and the implications arising from it and in particular parts (b) and (d) of the resolution in respect of the Local Transport Plan No 4 Consultation.  The Portfolio Holder, Councillor C. B. Taylor, responded that the issue was ongoing and further information would be feedback to Group Leaders at a meeting due to be held on 23rd June 2017.  Discussion followed as to whether part (d) of the resolution clearly covered all the points which had been discussed at the Council meeting as it was clearly agreed that funds up to £150k would be made available for the relevant work to be carried out with immediate effect.  It was believed that this had not been the case and that a further delay in that work would have a negative impact going forward.  Councillor Taylor also confirmed that this matter would be discussed at the meeting arranged for 23rd June 2017. 


The Chairman agreed to an adjournment to enable a way forward to be discussed.


Following the adjournment it was agreed that the minutes would be amended to reflect that officers had been authorised to carry out the work with immediate effect and that £150k had been set aside to cover the cost of that work.


Councillor Mallett requested that an urgent notice of motion be considered by the Council to not accept the surveys which had been carried out by Worcestershire County Council and Highways England and as a result of this Council furthermore does not accept the data for any planning applications of ten or more units, until the Council has carried out its own highways review. This motion was seconded by Councillor M. Thompson and agreed to by the Chairman in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules in respect of urgent business.


During the ensuing debate the following areas were discussed:


·         Despite concerns it appeared that Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Highways was currently carrying out its own survey.

·         The inappropriate timing of this survey, would not give a true picture, as it was being carried out whilst there had been numerous road works taking place.

·         The fact that the Leader of the County Council had acknowledged that there were issues regarding the traffic counting and the ongoing road works in the District of Bromsgrove.

·         It was understood that there were particular times of the year when surveys should be carried out in order to get a good, fair and accurate overview of the situation.

·         The cost to the tax payer of the work which had been carried out.

·         How Members concerns had been raised at WCC with the Leader, the relevant Portfolio Holder and a number of officers with negative responses having been received.

·         A suggested meeting between the Group Leaders from the District, together with Councillor Taylor as the relevant Portfolio Holder, with the Leader and relevant Portfolio Holder at WCC. 

·         The lack of traffic counting equipment on rural roads due to the amount of equipment being used in Bromsgrove itself and how this impacted on those roads.

·         Concerns that this had been happened at such a late stage of the Local Plan process.

·         The need to give a clear message to WCC that there is a continued lack of confidence and that situation would no longer be tolerated.


Also, following consideration of the Minutes Councillor C. A. Hotham referred to Minute No. 113/16, his question on notice and the ongoing cost of the Burcot Lane building.  He was unaware whether a report as referred to at the meeting had been prepared and was concerned at the continued costs associated with this building.  The Leader confirmed that a report would be considered at the September meeting of the Cabinet


Following further discussion and in addition to the resolutions made at the meeting of the Council on 26th April 2017 it was




(a)  In light of these ongoing concerns this Council considers that any data produced by the current survey work being carried out, may be flawed due to the extent of the road works taking place in the town;

(b)  Because of these concerns Council recognises in the context of its Statutory Duty to determine planning applications that in order for it to be in a position to make robust and evidence based determinations it will be necessary to ensure that all traffic data is subject to scrutiny by Mott MacDonald or a similar organisation on behalf of the Council;

(c)  That Mott MacDonald or similar organisation undertake independent traffic data monitoring in September to ensure that the data gathered can be robustly verified;  

(d)  that subject to amendment as detailed in the pre-amble above the minutes of 26th April 2017 be approved; and

(e)  the minutes of the meeting held on 17th May 2017 be approved as a correct record.


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