Agenda item

2016/1085 - Hybrid Application : Outline Planning Permission for up to 150 dwellings with some matters reserved for future consideration (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale); and full Planning Permission for a Community Facility including details of access and associated car parking, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure - Longbridge East and River Arrow Development Site, Groveley Lane, Cofton Hackett, Worcestershire - C/O Planning Prospects Limited


Members gave further consideration to this Application, and associated Planning Application 2016/1087, following the Committee’s decision to defer the matter at the previous meeting of the Committee held on 8th May 2017 for Officers to undertake additional consultation and provide further information in relation to the Section 106 Contributions for both developments.


Officers provided further clarification on a number of matters in regard to:  amended Section 106 contributions towards the extension of General Practice surgeries and the NHS formula for calculating required contributions; Section 106 contributions for enhancements at Lickey Hills, open space / informal recreation facilities at Cofton Park, and  enhancements in Cofton Hackett.  Members were informed that, in conjunction with the Section 106 Agreement, a separate legal agreement would be drafted and agreed between Bromsgrove District Council and Birmingham City Council in respect of the Lickey Hills and Cofton Park works, to ensure Birmingham City Council would be reimbursed once the proposed works had taken place.  Clarification was also provided in regard to  the provision of the Community Centre in relation to Proposal H2 of the Longbridge Area Action Plan (LAAP), and the overall shortfall of housing provision on the East Works site set against the anticipated housing target set for the Longbridge site overall.


The Committee then considered the Application, which Officers had recommended for approval.    The relevance of the LAAP was raised again in relation to the application. The Council’s Strategic Planning Manager confirmed that the LAAP was still relevant in terms of development of the site and featured in the Council’s adopted District Plan in relation to the Longbridge area.   The Committee was also informed that both the LAAP and the District Plan had flexibility through various Clauses to allow for change with Members being advised that, it was considered no longer possible to deliver all of the original proposals in the LAAP agreed in 2006/7.  In response to further comments on the housing shortfall on the development site, the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services provided additional clarification on the provision of housing on the Longbridge site overall, with Members being advised that the 95 dwellings referred to in relation to the East Works development site had not been included in the District Council’s newly adopted Local Plan


In relation to the Section 106 agreement in respect of outdoor facilities and enhancements at Cofton Park, Officers were requested to ensure that should there be any shortfall in contributions towards the proposed works, Bromsgrove District Council would not be expected to bear the costs. Officers referred to the separate legal agreement proposed between the District Council and Birmingham City Council and advised that Legal officers would be asked to take Members’ request on this issue on board in respect of the agreement. 


RESOLVED that, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services to determine the Planning Application subject to:


1)    the receipt of a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism in relation to the following matters:


(i)       A contribution towards the provision of wheelie bins for the scheme based on £61.40 per unit;


(ii)       £40,297  as a contribution towards enhancing existing amenity assets at Lickey Hills - refurbishment of the telescope (Folly) and car park at Beacon Hill;


(iii)      £53,730 as a contribution towards the provision of an outdoor fitness facility and/or youth play equipment at Cofton Park;


(iv)      £44,775 as a contribution towards enhancing existing sport pitches, cricket pitch, as well as access to Cofton Park in general;


(v)      £37,800 as a contribution towards enhancing the local area Cofton Hackett in respect to general access improvements and refurbishment works to the existing allotment gardens and refurbishment of the local play area off Chestnut Drive, improvements to the car park at Lickey Road, and incidental enhancements including benches and planters in and around Cofton Hackett;


(vi)      £32,554 for the extension of New Road Surgery, New Road, Rubery, and/or Cornhill Surgery, New Road, Rubery;


(vii)     The provision of affordable housing (35%) to be provided on site and maintained as such in perpetuity; 


(viii)    Community centre to be provided on site and transferred to an appropriate body /Trust to maintain; and


2)    the Conditions and Informatives set out on pages 13 to 19 of the main agenda report.



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