Agenda item

Dolphin Centre - Update on work with displaced Groups


The Head of Leisure and Cultural Services delivered a presentation which updated Members on the work undertaken by officers to support groups that would be displaced following the closure of the Dolphin Centre (Appendix 1).  Members were asked to note that a number of assumptions had informed the content of this presentation including:


·                Daytime users of the sports hall at the Dolphin Centre had been consulted as they would be directly affected by its closure.

·                The potential to provide alternative accommodation to groups that met in the evening had been reviewed by officers as part of a desktop exercise. Groups that met in the evening had therefore not yet been consulted.

·                Bookings might be rescheduled depending on the programme, due to different start times.

·                An assumption had been made that the agreement with BAM would proceed.

·                There had also been an assumption that football sessions would be available through SBHS on the 3G Pitch.

·                There had been an assumption that there would be a need to offer pay and play badminton on a daily basis.

·                Finally there had been an assumption that where it was not possible for groups to use the new leisure centre or BAM’s facilities we would look t use the Ryland Centre as a first option.  However, it was accepted that there would be some groups that would prefer to meet at an alternative venue.


Following delivery of the presentation a number of points were discussed in detail:


·                The operator that would manage the new Leisure Centre would need to submit a programme to the Council before they commence operating the site.

·                The age profile of participants in various community activities and the extent to which this had been taken into account by the Sports Development team when assessing potential slots for evening sessions.  Officers advised that every attempt had been made to take this into account, though there remained some flexibility where needed.

·                Officers would review the information provided by BAM to ensure no groups had been missed by the relocation.

·                There may be an option for soft play activities and children’s parties to take place at the new Leisure Centre; this would be at the operator’s discretion.

·                The length of slots that community groups would be able to book in the future was confirmed at 55 minutes per session.

·                The potential for community groups to meet transfer to other leisure centres outside of the district was discussed.  The Board was advised that the preference of most groups would be to continue to meet within the catchment area for the Dolphin Centre.

·                The extent to which groups that already meet at North Bromsgrove High School had been consulted about the changes was discussed and Officers confirmed that priority was being given to current Dolphin Centre users.

·                Officers covered details of the proposed agreement with BAM.

o   The length of the contract with BAM - 21 years in line with BAM’s remaining contract with Worcestershire County Council.

o   The annual cost of the contract with BAM of £50,000, which would be transferred from the Council to the operator of the new leisure centre once this had been confirmed.

o   The period covered by the contract with BAM of 48 weeks.  This provided time for BAM to meet various maintenance obligations.

o   The availability of BAM facilities during term times and examination periods.

·                The risk that community groups’ bookings at the Ryland Centre might be cancelled if the number of participants declined.  Officers explained that the Ryland Centre had indicated they were interested in accommodating the displaced groups where possible.


Members thanked the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services and his Team for the detailed work which had been undertaken to ensure the impact on the community groups was minimised.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


(During consideration of this item the Chairman invited the public to participate in the debate).