Agenda item

Questions on Notice

A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.


To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


Question submitted by Councillor M. Thompson


“The move to Parkside promised to generate income for the Council because it could be hired out for private functions. How much more money has it made through this income stream in the last 12 months compared to the old Council House?”


Councillor P. J. Whittaker responded with the following figures:


Burcot Lane (Spadesbourne Suite and Committee Room)


·         1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 income was £25,177.58;

·         1st April 2015 to 5th December 2016 income was £17,517.20


Parkside Hall


·         5th December 2015 to 31st March 2016 income was £4,620.21;

·         1st April 2016 to February 2017income was £11,928.33 (including period during which the Hall was unavailable due to heating works);

·         Full 12 months projected income is £14,313.99  


Councillor Whittaker further commented that due to the temporary heating problems the venue had not yet been fully promoted but this would be addressed from now on. In addition whilst the facilities at Burcot Lane had been “stand alone” and therefore available at all times this was not the case at Parkside where accommodation was also required for Council use.


Question from Councillor S. R. Colella


 “I am sure that the Leader will be aware of recent headlines in the Bromsgrove Standard highlighting the levels of crime being experienced across the District with little or no action being seen by the Police and Crime Commissioner to address this perceived chronic rise in crime.


As reported on 21st February 2017; “Black Audi A6 stolen in Hagley car key burglary”, “Burglars ransack Bromsgrove property and steal cash”, “Police investigating spate of car crime across Bromsgrove District over the last week”.


Will the Leader therefore call on the Police and Crime Commissioner to present a report to this Council detailing the actions that are being taken to address this worrying position?”


Councillor G. N. Denaro responded that the Police and Crime Commissioner was aware of the recent incidents and there had been discussion at the recent West Mercia Police and Crime Panel where instances of vehicle crime and burglary in North Worcestershire had been highlighted. In addition the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership had been involved and were also receiving data on incidents. The Police and Crime Commissioner had increased funding across the County and was holding the Chief Constable to account to give due priority to these issues.



Question submitted by Councillor C. A. Hotham  


“Barnt Green has been and is still suffering serious traffic disruption.

The village has seen over 12 months of disruption due to the closure of both Hewell Lane and Linthurst Newtown railway bridges and more recently further disruption with the 3 month closure of Bittell Road and Fiery Hill Road.

As Councillors will appreciate this has had a catastrophic impact on trade within the village with some shops having to lay off staff and owners reducing their own pay by up to two thirds.

Without positive action it is highly likely that much of this footfall will be lost forever and as a result Barnt Green traders have been working with the Council’s excellent centres manager to try to address this problem and it has been decided that an intense marketing campaign of Barnt Green and all it has to offer would help to reverse the situation once the road closures have finished.

I am conscious that the centres manager has conflicting priorities and a limited budget for such matters but can I ask that the Portfolio Holder works with the centres manager to identify all available support that can be offered to the traders generally and specifically with their marketing campaign?”

Councillor K. J. May confirmed that she was working to identify all possible options for support which could be made available in the area. In particular it may be possible for Business Rates payers to apply to the Valuation Office for their Business Rates to be amended if the Highway works represented a material change in circumstances affecting the valuation of the premises.