Agenda item

Questions on Notice

A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.


To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


Question submitted by Councillor M. Thompson


“This question refers to the “Alvechurch Morris Dancers” who featured recently in the local and national press.


 The Morris dancers representing our District caused racial offence to some members of the public in Birmingham by blacking out their faces. I have looked into the origins of this practice and found there is divided opinion upon the subject. Whilst some argue that this tradition started as a form of disguise whilst begging, others believe that it began as a mockery of African tribal war dancers.


No matter what one believes, it is without doubt that a significant number in our society, a society that champions inclusivity, sensitivity and diversity, are offended by it. Surely, no matter what the origin of this practice, if it causes offence then the sensitive, humble and proper thing to do, is to stop it. When the local MP Sajid Javid was asked about this incident he said “the Morris dancers are as racist as I am.” Can the Leader, as a representative of our District say whether he, like the MP, considers himself “as racist as the Morris Dancers?” 


Councillor G. N. Denaro responded that he did not consider himself to be racist in any shape or form.



Question submitted by Councillor S. R. Colella


“Given the national and international focus on air quality and the impact of the car emissions scandal ; the recent advice given by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) on managing traffic congestion and the recent report that indicated that long term exposure to poor air quality risks speeding up the onset of dementia, do the Leader and relevant Portfolio Holder agree with me that this Council has a statutory duty towards its residents who live within this Council’s Air Quality Management Areas and to implement tangible physical changes to return these areas to a recognised safe level of air quality?”   


Councillor G. N. Denaro responded that it was recognised that the Council had a statutory duty to deal with air quality issues and the Council was working closely with Worcestershire Regulatory Services to improve air quality figures.


Question submitted by Councillor C. A. Hotham


“Please can the Leader tell this Council if any indication has been made to GBSLEP, in respect of the number of houses, either by way of inference or by way of tentative commitment, formally or informally that Bromsgrove District Council will/could take?”


Councillor G. N. Denaro responded that some time ago he had tentatively agreed to take up to 1k dwellings from Birmingham City Council on the basis the need was backed up by evidence. This tentative agreement was now obsolete.


There was a need for further study based on previous work on locations which needed to be evidence based. This would be reported and considered in due course.


Question submitted by Councillor P. M. McDonald 


“Would the Leader please inform me the total costs of keeping the now vacant building that was once the Council House?”


Councillor G. N. Denaro responded that the cost to date was £126k but that this included Business Rates. Officers were working to ensure the cost was minimal and were exploring all options to maximise the value of the site. This may not necessarily involve obtaining a capital receipt for the site as this may not be the best return.


Other options may mean the site could help to deliver  the Council’s strategic purposes of “help me to find somewhere to live in my locality” and could provide a revenue stream. A report would be submitted in the spring.



Question submitted by Councillor C. McDonald    


“Would the Leader agree with me that the Planning Department have not got the capacity to carry out enforcement matters in a timely manner; in light of how long it took officers to issues enforcement notices to the owners of the Rose and Crown Public House, Rubery. Which led to an unlicensed tip in the heart of Rubery?”


Councillor C. B. Taylor responded that he did not agree with the premise of Councillor McDonald’s question. With regard to the case referred to in particular, Councillor Taylor gave a detailed timeline in respect of the investigations and associated processes required in order for an Enforcement Notice to be validly issued. Councillor Taylor felt that the case had been dealt with in an exemplary manner.


Councillor McDonald disputed the detailed information given by Councillor Taylor and the Chairman requested that the written information be provided to Councillor McDonald outside the Council meeting.