Agenda item

Recommendations from the Cabinet - 7th December 2016

To consider the recommendations from the meetings of the Cabinet held on 7th December 2016 and 11th January 2017


7th December 2016


·         New Homes Bonus Community Grants Panel

·         Car Park Order Review

·         Fees and Charges 2017/18

·         Business Waste Recycling Service (the background papers to this item are confidential)


11th January 2017


·         Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-2030 Adoption


The background papers to the recommendations are contained at the back of the Council agenda


Report of the New Homes Bonus Community Grants Panel


The recommendation from Cabinet was proposed by Councillor G. N. Denaro and seconded by Councillor K. J. May.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Denaro thanked the Members of the NHB Panel for their work in considering the applications and making recommendations to the Cabinet in respect of the payment of grants.


Councillor Denaro also referred to the intention to undertake a review of the operation of the NHB scheme for the next year to improve the process where possible. In response to a query, he confirmed this would include considering additional safeguards to ensure that any invalid or unacceptable applications were identified and excluded at an early stage.


Councillor Denaro indicated that whilst he did not wish to pre-judge the review, he felt it was likely that areas which had not received development in 2016/17 would have the opportunity at a second stage in the process to bid for the earmarked reserve.


RESOLVED that the remaining balance of £27,157, which equates to the balance of the funds unallocated in 2016/17 be carried forward to 2017/18 as an earmarked reserve.


Review of the Car Park Order (including urgent report)


The recommendation from Cabinet  in relation to the proposed  changes  to car parking fees following the review of the Car Park Order was proposed by Councillor K. J. May and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro. In proposing the recommendation Councillor May drew attention to a typographical error on page 73 of the Agenda pack. In relation to the Aston Fields Car Park,  the wording in the comments section should read 2 hours “maximum” waiting rather than “minimum”.


Further to the decision on the amendment of the Car Park Order and the recommendation on fees from Cabinet on 7th December, Councillor May also referred to the submission of a further urgent report required in respect of the proposed 2017 Order to include the Car Park at the former Market Hall Site (to be called the St John Street Car Park). The report also included a revised schedule of fees and charges to come into effect from the date of adoption of the new Car Parking Order.


In response to queries from Members, Councillor May referred to the work undertaken by the cross party Overview and Scrutiny Task Group which had considered Car Parking as whole. This work was being built on as part of a comprehensive review and the importance of car parking as part of the Council’s overall Economic Development Strategy was acknowledged. 


During discussion on the recommendations some Members expressed the view that the proposed fees for the St John Street  Car Park were excessive in comparison with the fees charged for other town centre car parks and would disadvantage the smaller independent traders in that part of the town centre.


As an amendment it was proposed by Councillor C. A. Hotham and seconded by Councillor S. R. Colella that in order to assist local traders, the fees for the St John Street Car Park be set at 30p for 30 minutes, 60p for one hour,   £1.20 for 2 hours and £1.80 for three hours.


On being put to the vote the Chairman declared the amendment to be lost.


It was



(a)       that the version of the proposed Bromsgrove District Council (off Street Parking Places) order 2017 as approved by Cabinet on 7th December 2016 be amended in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Supplementary Report ; and

(b)       that the revised schedule of fees and charges for car parking as attached at Appendix 2 to the Supplementary report be approved, with the revised fees to come into effect from the date of adoption of the new Car Parking Order. 



Fees and Charges 2017/18


The recommendation from Cabinet in relation to those fees and charges to be increased above 3% was proposed by Councillor G. N. Denaro and seconded by Councillor K. J. May.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Denaro referred to the work undertaken by the Finance and Budget Work Group which had looked in detail at the fees and charges and had discussed with Officers the reasons for the proposed increases. The notes from the Group had been released to Cabinet and had informed the decision making process.  


RESOLVED that the fees and charges contained in Appendix 1 which are proposed to be increased over the currently agreed budget assumption of 3% be approved.



Business Waste Recycling Service


As it was possible that discussion of this item may have required the exclusion of the Public from the meeting,  the Chairman deferred the item to the end of the agenda.


In the event consideration of the item was deferred as the Portfolio Holder was not present.




Supporting documents: