Agenda item

Nomination of Asset of Community Value - Hanbury Turn, Stoke Heath


The Cabinet considered a report on an Application to list The Hanbury Turn, Stoke Heath as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).


Officers outlined details of the application received from CAMRA in respect of the Hanbury Turn public house, Stoke Heath. Reference was also made to the representations received from received from Solicitors acting for the owners of the premises objecting to the application.


Members considered the application on its merits and in the light of the test contained within Section 88(1) of the Localism Act 2011 which was set out in paragraph 3.9 of the report.


Taking into account the information supplied by CAMRA within the application form, Members considered whether there was sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the premises should be nominated as an ACV. The limited amount of community use over and above what would normally be expected at a public house was taken into account.


Following consideration it was


RESOLVED that the application for listing of the Hanbury Turn, Stoke Heath as an Asset of Community Value be not supported.   


(Councillor C. B. Taylor asked that it be noted that his home address was in the vicinity of the premises)






Supporting documents: