Agenda item

Activity and Performance Data Quarter 1


The Board were asked to consider a report that detailed the Activity and Performance Data for Quarter 1, 2016/2017.  Members were asked to note that due to the departure of the Trading Standards team on 1st June 2016, back to direct control by Worcestershire County Council, the usual tables for Trading Standards and Animal Health and Welfare activity were no longer included.


The Technical Services Manager, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) introduced the report and in doing so informed Members that, the report detailed Worcestershire Regulatory Services Activity and Performance Data for Quarter 1, but the presentation of the data enabled comparison with previous quarters and previous years.  The layout of the report had been changed to line graphs.  Officers had hoped that the new layout would assist in showing some of the trends in workload for the different activities undertaken by WRS.


The Technical Services Manager, WRS, highlighted that, as usual licensing and environmental health nuisances continued to make the most impact in terms of demand, which was understandable given their direct impact on the public.


Food inspections were slightly down on the same quarter last year but up on the previous year.  This reflected in the resources involved in conducting the complex enforcement activities being carried out, with two premises formally closed during the period and several prosecutions pending.  Officers would continue to closely monitor progress against the full inspection programme for the year to ensure that it remained on track.


The number of stray dogs had fallen for many years as owners realised that is was not acceptable to allow their dog to stray and that there were financial consequences to retrieving their dog from kennels.  It was expected that the benefits of this would be felt across the three Gloucestershire Districts that WRS covered, due to the consistent approach taken by WRS.  WRS expected the overall number of reported stray, lost and found dogs to fall.


In response to questions from Members, the Technical Services Manager, WRS, informed the Board that with regard to “The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2014”, which became a legal requirement from April 2016 for all dogs to be microchipped and contact details up-to-date; he was of the opinion that it was too early to say if this had had an impact.  WRS were still picking up dogs that had not been microchipped and microchipped dogs where the contact details were not up-to-date.  The keeper of a dog which was not microchipped would be served with a notice that required them to have the dog microchipped within 21 days.  It would involve a lot of work for WRS to follow up all notices served.  


With regard to performance, Members were informed that the proportion of people who feel better equipped to deal with problems for themselves in future was slightly up on last year’s outturn at 81.4%, but was still in line with previous performance.


The Technical Services Manager, WRS, further responded to questions from Members with regard to the increase in requests related to gull queries.  Members were informed that WRS had commissioned a recent survey on gull activity.  The details of the survey would be presented to a future meeting of the Board.


The Licensing and Support Manager, WRS, responded to questions from Members in respect of Scrap Metal Collectors and Dealers.  Members were informed that the number of noise nuisance complaints with regard to Scrap Metal Collectors was lower.  Since the introduction of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013, and the requirement to be licensed, WRS had noticed a downtrend.  Also the price of scrap metal had dropped.  The first year renewal process was about to commence and it would be interesting to see the responses received for renewal applications.


The Chairman drew Members’ attention to the Healthier Choices Food Award scheme and details of those in receipt of the award, as detailed on page 48 in the report.  The Chairman asked Board Members to consider referring any potential companies or premises they may be aware of to WRS to be considered for the award.



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