Agenda item

Summaries of Applications


Application 1 – New Benches Catshill Meadow (North West Ward Association)


In the absence of a representative from the North West Ward Association, the Executive Director, Finance and Resources highlighted the salient points within the application.


Members were concerned that the project was underfunded for the quantity of benches that were being installed.


It was also noted that there were a number of applications for both Catshill Wards and the allocation of funding between the two was likely to overlap.  It was therefore agreed that once recommendations had been made, the Chairman would discussed this with the relevant Members.


Application 2 – Garden Renovation (Belbroughton First Steps Nursery)


Again, in the absence of a representative from the Belbroughton First Steps Nursery, the Executive Director, Finance and Resources highlighted the salient points within the application.


Members questioned whether the project had already started as there was reference within the application to work commencing in May.  It was noted that additional funds would be available and that should the Panel not grant the full amount the work would be prioritised accordingly.


Application 3 – Maintenance to Building (Fairfield Village Hall)


Mr Conrad Palmer, Secretary of Fairfield Village Hall attended to present the application.  In so doing he highlighted the history of the Village Hall and the groups which used it, together with details of the range of activities available, with limited space for general hire of the facility. 


Members raised a number of points including concerns that the project was purely maintenance of the building and were informed that if the funds were not forthcoming then monies set aside for other projects would be used to carry out the essential work.


Application 4 – Defibrillator for Hopwood Community Centre (Alvechurch Parish Council)


Cllr Charles Hotham put forward the case for the installation of a defibrillator at Hopwood Community Centre, highlighting that it would be maintained by the Parish Council and had the potential to save lives.  Alvechurch and Barnt Green already had access to a defibrillator and it was felt important that one was fitted at the Community Centre, not just for use by the Centre but also by the wider community if needed.


Members noted that by placing the defibrillator on the outside of the building it would allow it to be accessible 24 hours a day.


Application 5 – 2 x Event Shelters for Picnic in the Park (Alvechurch Parish Council)


In the absence of a representative from Alvechurch Parish Council Members discussed the information before them.  It was noted that the shelters would be used to protect equipment during the Picnic in the Park event, which was a fund raising event, primarily for the Lounge space in Alvechurch village.  It was believed that Picnic in the Park was independent to the Parish Council, and Members asked for clarification as to whether the application was from the Parish Council or in fact the Picnic in the Park group.


Application 6 – Rubery Gets Growing! (Rubery Village Business Association)


In the absence of a representative from the Rubery Village Business Association, the Executive Director, Finance and Resources highlighted the salient points within the application.


The Panel discussed the merits of the application and any possible conditions that could be added to the recommendations, should the Panel wish to award the grant.


Application 7 – Made of Money Project (Act/The Lounge)


Mr. Tim Reading, General Manager and member of the Committee at the Lounge attended to present the application and respond to questions from Members.  Mr. Reading provided background information as to recent changes which had taken place to the Committee which runs the Lounge.  Funding had been reduced from the County Council and the focus was now on making the best use of the Lounge Café.   Numbers were improving and the youth project was aiming to find ways in which it could compliment the larger community.  The Made of Money Project would provide 6 workshops a year for all age ranges, 2 for young people, 2 for families and 2 for the elderly.


Members asked for clarification in respect of a number of issues included whether the workshops for young people would be aimed at older teenagers, which was the case.  The workshops would concentrate on understanding how best to manage money and basic budgeting.  The funding requested was to set up this scheme (training volunteers) and hopefully build up the number of workshops in future years.  Mr. Reading provided information on how it was anticipated that the success of the scheme would be monitored and also provided information in respect of other funding sources accessed by the Lounge.


Application 8 – Cycle Stands for Village Centre (Barnt Green PC)


Cllr Charles Hotham attended on behalf of Barnt Green Parish Council and presented the application.  He informed Members that the cycle stands would be for the use of the wider community and was sustainable.  It would elevate some of the traffic problems in the village centre and reduce the hazard of “abandoned” cycles on the footpaths.  The Parish Council would maintain the cycle stands in the future.


It was confirmed that 4 cycle stands would be installed if the bid was successful and that the funds were being requested from those which had been carried over from 2015/16.


Application 9 – Community Garden Scheme (Crossley Walk Community Garden Group)


Ms. Sue Douglas gave a short Powerpoint presentation which outlined the aim of the Community Garden Scheme.  The presentation covered the aims and objectives of the scheme together with details of how the funding would be spent.  Ms. Douglas had also included photographic evidence of work what had already been carried out and gave details of areas which the scheme would be able to develop.  Ms. Douglas concluded that this would be a pilot scheme, which, if successful could be rolled out to other areas and had been supported by the Ward Councillor, Michael Thompson.


Following the presentation Members raised a number of points, included what would happen if not all of the funds were given and how the project would be monitored.  Ms. Douglas had included in her presentation that the group wold be happy to feedback to the Council on its progress at regular intervals.  The Panel discussed the merits of the application and any possible conditions that could be added to the recommendations, should the Panel wish to award the grant.


Application 10 – Community Football Scheme (Catshill Football Club)


Mr. Gary McPherson, Secretary of Catshill Football Club attended to present the application.  Mr. McPherson provided a brief history of the Club and highlighted that after a period of recession the Club’s number had once again begun to increase and there was now the momentum to build on this increase, following the appointment of a new Committee.  Mr. McPherson provided details of the number of young people involved and the range of teams.  The club worked in partnership with Catshill Meadow and the Middle School.  In the last year it had put some 17 volunteers through CRB checks with 4 new coaches trained to FA level 1.  It was self-funded through monthly subscriptions.  The aim of the project was to introduce a “mini kickers” programme which would help to support a life time of sport.  Councillor Shirley Webb supported the Club and had endorsed its application.


Application 11 – Roof Insulation (Avoncroft Arts Society)


Ms. Alyson Jewson, General Manager at Avoncroft Arts Society presented the application.  Ms. Jewson provided some history behind the Avoncroft Arts Society and the building that it was based in, together with details around the group’s which used the building and the importance to those that attended.  Many of the classes had waiting lists and were attended by older members of the community, so played an important role in ensuring social inclusion and companionship. 


It was confirmed that the building was owned by the Bournville Trust with a peppercorn rent being paid, with the Arts Society being responsible for the maintenance of the building and improving the site.  The aim was to make the two rooms more energy efficient, thus making them more comfortable for those attending the classes to work in and also making a financial saving for the Arts Society.


Application 12 – Outdoor Basketball net and shooting pad (Belbroughton Recreation Centre)


Again, in the absence of a representative from the Belbroughton Recreation Centre, the Executive Director, Finance and Resources highlighted the salient points within the application.


Members raised the issue that there had been only one request for this type of equipment to be installed and questioned whether there was any other significant demand for it.  It was a request for a relatively small amount in comparison to the actual cost of the project.


Application 13 – New bench and litter bin (Lickey & Blackwell Parish Council)


Ms Jill Harvey, Vice Chair of Lickey & Blackwell Parish Council attended to present the application and responded to questions from Members.  She explained that whilst the Country Park itself was owned by Birmingham City Council it fell within the remit of Worcestershire County Council and was very well used by Bromsgrove residents.


A significant amount of the Parish Council’s budget was spent on litter picking and the current bins were often set alight and raided by various animals.  The bin which had been detailed within this application was both fire and animal proof.  There were a number around the site which had been replaced by the Parish Council in recent times.  The site at Monument Fields, where this bin and bench would be placed, was well used by residents for a number of purposes, but in particular for the “school run”.  This would reduce traffic congestion around the school during opening and closing times whilst encouraging parents and children to take exercise.

Supporting documents: