Agenda item

Questions on Notice

A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.


To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


Question submitted by Councillor M. Thompson


“What actions have been taken since the referendum to assess the impact, on Bromsgrove, of the UK leaving the European Union and what has been identified  as the key risks to the District?”  


The Leader responded that officers had undertaken a preliminary assessment of the impact on the Council of the referendum decision to leave the European Union. No EU funding attributable to Council Services was included within the Medium Term Financial Plan and there was no direct impact on funding streams.


There had been a discussion with the Council’s External Auditors Grant Thornton and information on the types of agreement which may be put in place nationally would be forwarded direct to Members.


It was noted that the impact of the change would not be fully known until the final arrangements had been agreed but in the meantime officers would continue to review issues such as employee arrangements and impact on customers and businesses so that the Council could address any risks associated with the exit plans in the future.


Question submitted by Councillor M. T. Buxton 


“Can the Leader or Portfolio Holder for Planning tell me what arrangements have been made to liaise with the Worcestershire Highways about long term road safety improvements in the Churchfields/Recreation Road area, while building work is being done on the Extra Care Village site, for the safety of the current users and the increased elderly population when they take up residence?” 


Councillor C. B. Taylor referred to some of the conditions attached to the Planning Consent in respect of the development. A Construction Management Plan and a Traffic Management Plan were in place and he was able to send details to Councillor Buxton if required. If appropriate he was happy to arrange for a discussion on highway safety in the vicinity of the development, with Worcestershire County Council Highways and Councillor Buxton.


Question submitted by Councillor S. P. Shannon


“Discarded hot food takeaway containers and wrappings are a regular unsightly scene on Parkside Car Park. The litter/rubbish is left by large groups of car enthusiasts who gather on the car park regularly throughout the summer evenings. In between driving round their “circuit” of town centre, Worcester Road and the by pass they stop for refreshments on Parkside discarding boxes and wrappings onto the car park.


With the knowledge that WMP officers have handed over responsibility for litter enforcement to local councils as part of the move to decriminalise some offences. Does the Leader agree that it’s time that BDC car park enforcement team, with assistance if necessary from BDC CCTV Control Room make an effort to drive the message home to those that choose to spoil our town by dumping their rubbish in public places and start issuing the fixed penalty notices that they are now authorised to issue?”


Councillor P. J. Whittaker responded that he was not aware of any particular issues of this kind in relation to this car park. The Place Team had not reported any increase in such incidents.


This Council did have responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act to deal with litter and could issue Fixed Penalty Notices in some circumstances . Councillor Whittaker urged that any problems also be addressed through better education in schools as all parties had a part to play in tackling the problem of litter.


It would be helpful if any specific instances were brought forward through the Portfolio Holder and the Ward Member.