Agenda item

The Government's Devolution Agenda - West Midlands Combined Authority Potential Membership

To consider the enclosed report setting out key issues relating to the Government’s Devolution agenda, and inviting the Council to consider becoming a non-constituent member of the proposed West Midlands Combined Authority.



The Council considered a report relating to the Government’s devolution agenda and in particular the potential for the Council to become a non-constituent member of the proposed West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) at a cost of £25,000. 


In introducing the report the Leader reminded Members that  the Council had been invited in October 2015 to join the proposed WMCA. At that stage the 3 Group Leaders had agreed there was insufficient information available for the Council to make a formal decision.


The report now contained additional information on how the WMCA would operate and the role of non constituent members, including the appointment of a representative to the WMCA Audit Committee and WMCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Leader also referred to a recent informative presentation from Councillor Bob Sleigh, the Chairman of the Shadow Board, to which all Members had been invited. The Leader felt it was important for the Council to become a non constituent member in order to be able to obtain the most benefit for the Bromsgrove District.


During the subsequent debate reference was made to a number of areas:


·         the outcome of the two public consultation exercises undertaken on this issue the results of which, albeit with a limited response,  had indicated opposition to this Authority becoming part of the WMCA; 


·         the possibility of holding a referendum to fully discover public opinion on the matter;


·         the current status of the Worcestershire Devolution Deal and the potential for  this Council to become part of this option;


·         concerns regarding the involvement of Birmingham City Council, in particular in relation to potential cross border housing growth and the “duty to co-operate”;


·         the lack of clear benefits to the Council of being a non constituent member in terms of what funding could be allocated to such members  and the limited ability to influence spending decisions made by the WMCA.


It was proposed as an amendment by Councillor L. C. R. Mallett and seconded by Councillor M. Thompson that further consideration of the matter be deferred and that a referendum be held in order to ascertain the views of Bromsgrove residents.


On a requisition under Council Procedure Rule 18.3, the following details of the voting were recorded:


For the amendment: Councillors S. J. Baxter, C. J. Bloore, M. T. Buxton, J. M. L. A. Griffiths, C. A. Hotham, L. C. R. Mallett, P. M. McDonald, C. M. McDonald, S. R. Peters, S. P. Shannon, M. T. Thompson and L. J. Turner (12)


Against the amendment: Councillors C. Allen-Jones, B. T. Cooper, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, R. L. Dent, M. Glass, R. L. Laight, P. Lammas, M. A. Sherrey, R. D. Smith, C. J. Spencer, C. B. Taylor, P. L. Thomas, S. A. Webb, P. J. Whittaker and H. J. Jones (16)


The Chairman declared the amendment to be lost.


During the further debate some Members queried again the benefit to Bromsgrove of becoming part of the WMCA. There was also some uncertainty around the role of the “metro-mayor” and any influence the role may have on non-constituent members.


Reference was made to areas within the report which may require further clarification so that the benefits or otherwise for Bromsgrove of joining the Combined Authority could be determined. In addition it was suggested there needed to be a better understanding of the next steps with regard to the Worcestershire Devolution Deal before a decision could be taken.


Following an adjournment of the meeting from 7.30pm to 8.00pm to allow for discussions to take place between Group Leaders and officers, the Leader announced that the item was withdrawn.





































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