Agenda item

Report of the Evening and Weekend Car Parking Task Group


The Cabinet received the report of the Evening and Weekend Car Parking Task Group. Councillor M. T. Buxton was present at the meeting as a representative of the Task Group, together with Democratic Services officer Ms. A. Scarce, who had provided officer support to the Task Group.


Councillor P. J. Whittaker as the Portfolio Holder responsible for car parking responded to the recommendations put forward by the Task Group. It was recognised that a great deal of work had been undertaken by the Task Group which had originally been set up to review evening car parking and in particular the trial of free evening car parking after 7.00pm. Subsequently the remit of the Group had been extended to cover Evening and Weekend car parking.


In relation to recommendation 1 the Cabinet agreed that car parking was vital to the economic development of the Town and accepted the principles behind the recommendation. It was felt however that the existing Economic Development Priorities should be reviewed in order to assess the impact of car parking charges, rather than produce a new Economic Development Strategy which may need to alter in 6 months time. It was fully accepted that the needs and views of businesses in the Town needed to be taken into account and the new Centre Manager  would be fully involved in this review process and in working with local businesses. It was stressed that it was important that  the process was undertaken prior to the consideration of the next round of changes to fees and charges.  The existing Economic Priorities needed to focus more strongly on car parking. Officers and Members from Economic Development, Car Parking and Planning would need to work very closely together on the further regeneration of the Town Centre.


In relation to recommendation 2, this was largely accepted, with a minor change to the wording to reflect the changes within recommendation 1. In addition the new Centres Manager should be added to the list of officers/Members to be involved in the consultation on car parking.


Recommendation 3 was agreed in its entirety.


Recommendation 4 was agreed subject to a minor change in wording to reflect the changes within recommendation 1.


Councillor Whittaker expressed thanks to the  Car Parking Task Group for the detailed work they had undertaken and for the recommendations arising from this. There would be a formal report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Board from the Cabinet. 


Councillor Buxton reported that there was some outstanding end of year information in respect of  the level of use of car parks which had been unavailable to the Task Group due to the car parking computer system. This would mean a meaningful comparison could be made with the previous year’s  figures. The Executive Director Finance and Resources confirmed the figures would be available shortly and would be able to form part of the review process. 


It was


RESOLVED that the following Task Group recommendations as amended be approved:


(1)       that the Council reviews its Economic Development Priorities to assess the impact of car parking charges as soon as possible, whilst considering the following key features:


(a)       ensuring that car parking arrangements are managed in accordance with the interests of the local economy;

(b)       working with partners in business and retail to review the Economic Priorities that includes parking options and tariffs that encourage customers to visit Bromsgrove; and

(c)        ensuring that car parking arrangements support the Council’s Economic Priorities. 


(2)       that whilst reviewing the Economic Priorities it is recommended that an external expert be engaged by the Council, with a clear remit of what the Council wishes to achieve. It is suggested that they would need to consult with the following Council officers/Members:


(a)       Economic Development Team

(b)       Environmental Services Team

(c)        Relevant Portfolio Holders

(d)       Members of the Evening and weekend car Parking Task Group

(e)       Local businesses and retailers

(f)        Town Centres Manager



(3)       that prior to any further trials (of any nature) being agreed and carried out, any necessary data should be collected in order to have appropriate comparative data and information available to ensure that any such trial can be measured successfully.


(4)       that until the review of the Economic Priorities, the current parking charges and concessions should be maintained (including the continuation of free evening car parking).   

Supporting documents: