Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Board

(a)       To receive and note the minutes

(b)       To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes


The minutes of the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 23rd November 2015 and 14th December 2015 were submitted.


23rd November 2015


(a) Joint Health and Well-Being Strategy 2016-19


Following consideration of details of the Overview and Scrutiny Board Minute No. 75/15 (a) and the associated recommendation it was


RECOMMENDED that air quality be proposed as an additional priority for inclusion in the Joint Health and Well-Being Strategy 2016-2019. 


(b) It was


RESOLVED that the remainder of the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 23rd November 2015 be noted.



14th December 2015


(a) Dolphin Centre Update


The Cabinet considered the following recommendation contained within Overview and Scrutiny Board Minute No. 84/15:


“that the Cabinet remain observant of its decision in December 2104 to reconsider options for the leisure centre to include a sports hall if the negotiations with BAM are unsuccessful as detailed in the Cabinet response to the Leisure Provision Task Group Report”


It was noted that Councillor M. Thompson had requested to submit an associated  question on this matter and therefore, during the consideration of this recommendation, at the invitation of the Leader Councillor Thompson  asked the following question:


“in view of the public opposition to the Dolphin Centre, has the council undertaken a second risk assessment to consider the financial risk of introducing an unpopular leisure centre to Bromsgrove?”


The Portfolio Holder for Finance responded that it was felt that the Risk Assessment process should not  be aligned to any public opposition in respect of the sports hall issue. It had been made very clear that officers would be working with existing users of the hall to minimise the effects of the loss of the sports hall. The vast majority of the existing users of the leisure centre as a whole would benefit from the greatly improved facilities.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance also stated that the figures used within the business case and the viability of the project had been confirmed by Sports England and by soft market testing. Once the new facility was built it would be contracted to a Leisure Operator and the financial risk to this Council would be minimal. In view of the situation the existing risk assessment was adequate with no requirement for adjustment.


During the discussion on the recommendation from the Overview and Scrutiny Board, The Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services paid tribute to the work undertaken by officers in progressing the project to this point.


The Portfolio Holder also stated that whilst it was understood that there was disappointment from some users in respect of the lack of a sports hall, the business case (which had been reviewed again) and prudential borrowing did not support a more extensive scheme which would not be viable. Even if discussions with BAM were unsuccessful It was important to concentrate now on progressing the project as designed and agreed as efficiently as possible. To delay further would not be in the best interests of the majority of residents.


(The Leader agreed to a short adjournment to enable officers to advise on suitable wording for the resolution.)


It was



(i)         that having considered the recommendation from Overview and Scrutiny Board contained in Minute No. 84/15 the Cabinet believe the negotiations with BAM are progressing positively and therefore the Cabinet rescinds its decision in December 2014 as set out in the preamble above; and

(ii)        that given the financial position of the Council and regardless of the outcome of discussions with BAM this Council proceeds with a scheme in line with the July 2014 facility mix i.e. without a sports hall.   




 (b)      Quality of Acute Hospital Services       


Following consideration of details of the Overview and Scrutiny Board Minute No. 89/15 (b) it was


RESOLVED  that the Leader provide clarification with regard to the Council’s position in respect of the future of the Worcestershire Acute Hospital’s Trust and to the recent vote taken by Redditch Borough Council that the Trust be broken up.


(In this regard the Leader undertook to attend the next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board to give an update on the situation.)



(c)        RESOLVED that the remainder of the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 14th December 2015 be noted.






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