Agenda item

Bromsgrove Centres Management


The Cabinet considered a report containing a proposal for the North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration service to host a new Bromsgrove Centres management function on behalf of the Council. This would cover the Town Centre together with outlying centres and villages including Alvechurch, Barnt Green, Catshill, Hagley, Rubery and Wythall.


Members were aware that that one of the economic priorities which had recently been approved by Cabinet was to “create a more vibrant Bromsgrove Town Centre by enhancing the current retail and leisure offer” It had also been recognised that other centres and villages within the District had their individual needs and requirements which the Council may want to address.


It was reported that whilst a great deal had been achieved within the Town Centre in terms of the completion of particular schemes, it was recognised that there was still further work to be undertaken including regeneration and the on going “management” of the Town Centre and other  outlying centres and villages.


At present Bromsgrove was the only North Worcestershire District without a Town Centre Management arrangement in place. The report therefore set out a proposal for the creation of a Town Centre Manager (TCM) role which was detailed in paragraph 3.17 of the report . It was envisaged that the TCM would work pro-actively with each of the centres. It was stressed that whilst a number of villages and centres had been referred to in the report, this was not an exhaustive list and other areas such as Cofton Hackett could be included in the future.


The Head of Economic Development and Regeneration - North Worcestershire also reported on the proposed timescale for the implementation of the new arrangements if agreed to by Members.


In accordance with Cabinet Procedure Rules and with the agreement of the Chairman, Councillor C. A. Hotham spoke on this issue. 


Councillor Hotham expressed support for the proposal. He stated  that whilst within Barnt Green many local traders, organisations and the Parish Council worked together to organise community events etc. this was obviously undertaken on a voluntary basis. It was felt it would be of great benefit in particular to the outlying centres and villages to have some assistance from a professional TCM. 


Councillor Hotham expressed the hope that the TCM would be able to work with Parish Councils to enhance and extend local events and undertake further marketing and promotion etc. 


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Regeneration and Town Centre responded that as referred to in paragraph 3.23 (i)  there would be an expectation that the TCM would work closely with local businesses and traders and with private and public stakeholders and that this would include Parish Councils.   

Members queried the costs involved for the Council and the Executive  Director - Finance and Resources referred to the budget pressures  set out in the Financial Implications section of the report.


Following discussion it was



(a)       that the funding of an unavoidable budget pressure in respect of a new Town Centre Management function  be approved for inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Plan assumptions as follows:


2016/17 - £16,000

2017/18 - £41,000

2018/19 - £43,000



(a)       that the proposed model as set out in the report for Bromsgrove Centres Management be approved;

(b)       that the new function be hosted by the North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration (NWEDR) service on behalf of Bromsgrove District Council;

(c)        that delegation in respect of the Centres Management function be added to the existing NWEDR Collaboration Agreement relating to the provision of Economic Development and Regeneration Services, to reflect the resolutions at  (a) and (b) above;

(d)       that authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services to amend the Collaboration Agreement referred to at resolution (c) above; and

(e)       that the associated pension and redundancy costs of approximately £31,000 be released from reserves set aside for restructuring the organisation.


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