Agenda item

Polling District Review


Mrs. C. Cockell, Acting Electoral Services Manager, presented the report which outlined a review of Polling Districts and Polling Places within the District, in accordance with the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006.


Consideration was then given to the report and the following matters were raised by Members:-


  • Councillor C. J. Tidmarsh asked whether the review was limited to the Bromsgrove District area, or whether it included the polling arrangements between neighbouring districts.  In reply, Mrs. Cockell stated that the review related solely to the Bromsgrove District, and stated that boundaries between authority areas were a matter for the Boundary Commission for England.
  • Councillor D. McGrath suggested that the Hawthorns Social Club, 59 Rednal Hill Lane, Rubery, be considered as a possible additional polling station.  Mrs. Cockell agreed to investigate this issue.
  • Councillor Mrs. J. M. L. A. Griffiths referred to the polling station at the Brooklyn Citroën Garage, Birmingham Road, Bordesley, and stated that she would not wish for the polling station to move to the Travel Lodge, as stated in the report.  Mr. Dicks and Mrs. Cockell stated that future polling arrangements at Brooklyn Citroën Garage would be investigated.
  • Councillor W. R. Newnes raised a question over the future use of the Meadows First School Hall which was currently being reconstructed, in conjunction with Parkside Middle School.  Mrs. Cockell stated that this would be reviewed when the new school had fully replaced the previous building.
  • Councillor Newnes also referred to the use of school premises in general and the general (unwritten) policy of minimising disruption to school premises.  The Chairman stated that, in some situations, this was unavoidable, especially in terms of the costs of hiring rooms for polling station purposes.
  • Councillor L. J. Turner commented on the findings in the report in respect of Wake Green AFC Pavilion, stating that an alternative location may be difficult to locate.  Mrs. Cockell stated that no, or few, complaints had been received in respect of the use of the pavilion as a polling station and added that further discussions with Wake Green AFC would be undertaken.
  • The Chairman referred to the Rowney Green Peace Memorial Hall, Rowney Green Lane, Alvechurch, where a lottery funding application for improved disabled persons access had been submitted.  As a result, any concerns over access to the polling station would be overcome in due course.
  • In addition, the Chairman raised a question relating to the use of the Cricket Pavilion at Romsley and Hunnington Cricket Club, Bromsgrove Road, Romsley, but Mrs. Cockell stated that there were no suitable alternative locations.
  • The Chairman also suggested that an additional polling station in Catshill would be of benefit in respect of access for voters on the Stourbridge Road side of Catshill.  Mrs. Cockell assured Members that this issue would be looked into.
  • Councillor S. P. Shannon referred to the SCOPE report over the use of Aston Fields Social Club, Stoke Road, and agreed with its findings in respect of the possible use of the Salvation Army Hall in Carlyle Road.  He also suggested the Finstall Centre, Stoke Road, as a further possible alternative.  Mrs. Cockell stated that these would be investigated.


RESOLVED that (i) with the exception of the recommendations relating to the Brooklyn Citroën Garage, Birmingham Road, Bordesley; and (ii) subject to the comments and suggestions raised by Members outlined above, the report be accepted.

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