Agenda item - Disposal of Burcot Lodge Emergency Homeless Unit - Briefing Paper

Agenda item

Disposal of Burcot Lodge Emergency Homeless Unit - Briefing Paper


The Strategic Housing Manager presented a briefing paper on the subject of the disposal of Burcot Lodge emergency housing unit.  Members were advised that Burcot Lodge was owned by the Council with Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (BDHT) using the property to provide emergency housing for people at risk of being made homeless. 


Burcot Lodge formed part of the Council House site.  Following the Council’s move to Parkside a decision would need to be taken about the future uses of this site.  There was the potential that the site would be sold to a developer, though it would take some time for this to progress, particularly as any new developments would require planning permission.  In the meantime Burcot Lodge would remain open. It was highlighted that BDHT had a further 39 units, located within the district, which could also be used to house people at risk of becoming homeless.


A number of options were being considered in terms of housing provision for people at risk of homelessness which could replace Burcot Lodge.  This included the potential to work with neighbouring local authorities such as Birmingham City Council or Redditch Borough Council.  Officers were in regular contact with representatives of BDHT and were aware of the need to resolve this issue as soon as possible. 


The latest figures available for Burcot Lodge indicated that there was a 42 per cent occupancy rate at the property.  Members acknowledged that homelessness numbers could fluctuate over time, depending on the economy and the circumstances of individuals.  However, it was suggested that this 42 per cent occupancy rate could mean that in future alternative forms of provision might meet local need.


Councillor S. P. Shannon, attending in his capacity as the Member who had proposed a Task Group review of this subject, reminded the Board that the Council had a statutory responsibility to provide housing to people at risk of homelessness.  Concerns were expressed that a resolution, concerning the future of Burcot Lodge, had not yet been identified despite progress with the Council’s future move to Parkside.  It was also suggested that hostel and bed and breakfast accommodation would not be ideal solutions, though Officers assured Members that traditionally bed and breakfast accommodation was used as a last resort in the district.


Members briefly discussed each of the options presented within the report.  The Board agreed that in order to make an accurate assessment of these options it would be useful to consider the financial information underpinning some of these options.  Members were advised that this would need to take place in confidential session.  The Board also noted that it would be useful to review a timeline for the potential disposal of the Council House site which included when replacement services would need to be in place and how long it would take to secure provision.


The Board discussed the potential to launch a Task Group review to assess the disposal of Burcot Lodge.  It was suggested that private Task Group meetings would be a more suitable environment in which to consider the subject.  A small group of Councillors could also dedicate time to consideration of the matter, supported by officers, and identify a potential solution to an issue that would need to be resolved quickly.  However, it was also suggested that the Board was in just as good a position to assess potential options and could make informed recommendations to Cabinet based on consideration of further information.


RESOLVED that the financial costs involved in delivering each of the options that could replace Burcot Lodge, together with further information about the timeline available to resolve this issue, be provided for consideration at a future meeting of the Board.

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