Agenda item

Worcestershire Shared Services - Future Arrangements for Joint Committee and Worcestershire Shared Services


The Cabinet considered a report on the proposals for changes to the Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) Partnership Agreement. The changes were necessary  in view of the need for the Authorities within the partnership to be protected as far as possible from financial pressures and for services re-aligned to better meet the requirements of the partner authorities.  This was in particular related to  changes in respect of Worcestershire County Council, which would no longer be a partner but would receive services related to its Trading Standards services under a contractual arrangement. 


The report also referred to associated changes required to the governance arrangements which were currently based on a WRS Joint Committee made up of Members of the participating Authorities and  a WRS Management Board made up of the Head of Service, senior managers from WRS and officer representatives of partner authorities.


It was noted that the proposed changes had been considered at the meeting of the Joint Committee on 25th June 2015. The Joint Committee had received an updated report and at its meeting decided to make changes to Appendix 2 and updated recommendations were circulated at the Cabinet meeting.  The recommendations from the Joint Committee were considered.


Following discussion it was



(a)       that the contents of the report be noted; and

(b)       that the Cabinet delegates those Executive functions in relation to the administration and operational activities of WRS to the new Joint Committee in place from 1st April 2016 in accordance with Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and Section 20 of the Local Authorities (Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions) (England) (Regulations) 2000 as amended.



(a)       that the current Worcestershire Shared Services Partnership be dissolved by mutual agreement on 31st March 2016;

(b)       that a new Worcestershire Shared Services partnership comprising the six District Councils be created on 1st April 2016 in accordance with the terms set out in appendix 2 to the report (as amended); and that the composition of partner authority Member representatives on the Joint Committee be reviewed after a period of one year; 

(c)        that the new Worcestershire Shared Services partnership enters into a service level agreement with Worcestershire County Council for the provision of Trading Standards services in accordance with terms to be agreed by the Acting Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services;

(d)       that all existing contracts and service level agreements between the existing Worcestershire Shared Services partnership and other Local  Authorities be novated to the new Worcestershire Shared Services Partnership;

(e)       that the new management structure for Worcestershire Regulatory Services set out in appendix 4 be approved for consultation with staff and recognised trade unions;

(f)        that authority be delegated to the Acting head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services, having consulted with the Chair of the Joint Committee to finalise the future management structure and undertake recruitment in accordance with the terms set out in the Worcestershire Shared Services Partnership Agreement;

(g)       that an Appointment sub Committee be established comprising 3 Members of the Joint Committee; an Executive Member from the Host Authority and the Chairman and Vice Chairman supported by officers as detailed in the legal obligations contained within the report;

(h)       that the Councils functions in relation to Environmental Health and Licensing (other than those Licensing functions which cannot be delegated) be delegated to the new Joint Committee in place from 1st April 2016 in accordance with Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and Section 20 of the Local Authorities (Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions) (England) (regulations) 2000 as amended. 


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