Agenda item - Ipads (Background information and current position)

Agenda item

Ipads (Background information and current position)


The ICT Transformation Manager delivered a presentation on the subject of the provision of Ipads to elected Members.  At the end of the presentation Members discussed the following points which had been covered in within it:


·         The limited functionality of the Ipads using the Good software and how this compared to some Councillors’ personal Ipads.

·         Restrictions that the Ipads placed on Members’ ability to add attachments to emails.  Members noted that Word documents and photographs could not be viewed on their Council emails using the Ipads.

·         The restrictions placed on accessing a Councillor’s personal email using their Council Ipad and the extent to which having multiple devices for work, personal use and Council responsibilities could be time consuming and confusing.

·         The restrictions placed by the Government on Councillors’ email use through the need to comply with PSN rules.

·         The different approaches adopted by Councils to comply with PSN requirements.  Members who were also County Councillors noted that they could access their Council emails through personal IT equipment and this was considered to be compliant.

·         The lack of action that had been taken in response to issues that had previously been raised by Members with both the external training providers and with the ICT team.

·         The need for further and more regular meetings of the Member Development Steering Group to take place.

·         The difficulties that Members experienced when attempting to print documentation for Council business and the inconvenience that this caused.

·         The difficulties involved in obtaining support from the ICT team through the IT helpdesk and the financial costs to Councillors when doing so from outside the Council.

·         The problems for Councillors involved in visiting the ICT team to deliver equipment, particularly for Councillors who had work responsibilities.

·         Future training plans for Councillors and the need for this to be arranged effectively for new Councillors elected in May 2015.

·         The 10 remaining Ipads which had not been returned by some elected Members for the latest software to be installed.

·         The extent to which the financial costs listed in the presentation took into account the additional costs of Officer time involved in supporting Councillors, particularly in the Democratic Services team.

·         Limitations placed by the Good software on the potential to create folders and the need for the ICT team to perform this function for Councillors on a regular basis.

·         The potential for Ipads to be a useful communications tool for elected Members if the problems were resolved.

·         The Council’s phone contract and the role of the procurement team in monitoring the extent to which this remained value for money.

The Board was informed that the ICT team would appreciate a list of areas that Members felt required further investigation and the following matters were subsequently highlighted for Officers’ consideration.


·         The need for Councillors to attach photographs to emails for Ward work.  This function was not currently available on the Ipads.

·         The need for a wireless printer facility to be made available from which Members could print information from their Ipads.

·         The value that would arise if Councillors’ meeting appointments could be viewed alongside personal and work commitments to enable Councillors to manage their diaries effectively.

·         The potential for Councillors to access their personal emails via their Ipads.

·         The reasons why other local authorities, like Worcestershire County Council, were able to operate a different system whilst remaining PSN compliant.

·         The Ipad trial that had been undertaken did not reflect the final arrangement that had been implemented.  In the trial Councillors had been permitted to access the Good software through their own Ipads.

·         The need to identify the Committee that had approved investment in provision of the Ipads.

·         The potential for Microsoft Office to be installed on Members’ Ipads.


RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Board in 2015/16 consider receiving a further update on progress with this matter at a meeting of the Board in the summer of 2015.