Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Board Short Sharp Review - Car Parking


The Cabinet received the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Board Short Sharp Review on Car Parking.


The Leader invited the Chairman of the Short Sharp Review , Councillor S. P. Shannon to present the outcome of the review. Councillor Shannon gave a general introduction to the work which the cross party review had undertaken and. Councillor Shannon expressed the hope that the Cabinet would give serious consideration to the three recommendations .


In relation to Recommendation 1, it was stated that whilst the Review Group had noted the recent Cabinet decision to introduce free parking after 7pm, there had been some disappointment that this had been agreed before any outcome of the review was known. The Review Group, after some investigation and research had felt that free car parking on  Sundays rather than in the evening would have a greater impact on footfall and therefore would  bring more benefit to the Town and local businesses. Whilst a large number of restaurants and other businesses were already opening in the evening there were fewer businesses opening on a Sunday.


Recommendation 2 relating to the expansion of the Pay on Foot system into other car parks had also been a recommendation put forward by the Recreation Road South Car Park Task Group in August 2011.


Councillor Shannon also referred to Recommendation 3 which related to the re-introduction of a car parking permit for the over 65 year olds, which again it was considered would increase footfall into the Town Centre and contribute to the regeneration of the Town Centre. This had been supported by the Bromsgrove Older People’s Forum.


The Portfolio Holder, Councillor M. A. Bullivant thanked the Review Group for their work but stated that the report did not examine the future needs of the Town Centre in the light of forthcoming developments in the area. In addition insufficient consideration had been given to the current financial position of the Council.


Members expressed concern over the cost of implementation of the Review Group’s proposals and felt that there was still room for expansion in the Town Centre night time economy which would benefit from the introduction of free parking after 7.00pm. Reference was made to the substantial investment this Council had made in the regeneration of the Town Centre together with the County Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund.


The Cabinet then considered the recommendations of the Review Group.


Recommendation 1


That free car parking on a Sunday be introduced for a 6 month trial period, to include the summer period in order to encourage people to visit the town centre.


Cabinet Response


This recommendation was not approved in view of the cost involved and the introduction of free parking in the evening from 7.00 pm.


Recommendation 2


That the Pay on Foot system be expanded to other car parks as part of the Town Centre Regeneration Programme, for example at the Hanover Street Car Park and the Dolphin Centre.


Cabinet Response


This recommendation was not approved in view of the likely high costs involved and the  lack of a Cost Benefit Analysis.


Recommendation 3


That a car parking permit scheme for the over 65 year olds be re-introduced in order to encourage people to visit the town centre on a more regular basis.


Cabinet Response


This recommendation was not approved in view of the lack of information available.









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