Agenda item

Draft Street Amenity Policy


The Committee considered a report and accompanying draft Street Amenity Policy in respect of the pedestrianised section of Bromsgrove High Street. At this stage officers were requesting permission to undertake more formal consultations with those businesses which would be affected.


The introduction of the Policy and the accompanying licensing regime would enable management of High Street Café Areas to be undertaken in a cohesive way. The Town Centre Regeneration Programme Manager outlined the benefits of an updated Street Amenity Policy which included the opportunity to improve the appearance and vibrancy of the High Street and to improve ease of movement and access for all.


It was noted that the adoption of the Policy would enable a structured a positive approach to actively designing Street Café Areas into Bromsgrove High Street. It was proposed that licensing process could be undertaken locally at District level by WRS on behalf of this Council, rather than by Worcestershire County Council Highways Department.


It was reported that officers had already discussed the matter on an informal basis with the owners or managers of the businesses which would be affected by the Policy. The reaction had been positive, with the “chain” outlets being used to similar regimes in other areas of the Country. The more local, individual businesses had also seen the advantages of the introduction of a  scheme which would  improve the appearance of the High Street but which would be administered locally.


It was noted that the proposed fee structure, which had been part of the initial informal discussions, would enable WRS to cover their costs involved in the administration and enforcement of the scheme. The fees would also be part of the formal consultation if this was agreed to by Members. Formal consideration of the fees would be a matter for the Cabinet following the consultation period.


Members were generally supportive of the proposal to formally consult on the draft Policy. The use of  “A” Boards which were employed by a variety of businesses for advertisement  purposes was queried. Officers advised that “A” Boards would not be controlled under this Policy and this would need to be revisited separately  at a later date if required. It was confirmed however that no Town Centre in the County was covered by an “A” Board Policy.   


There was a detailed debate and Members raised a number of issues  to which officers responded. These included:


·         Premises  Licences – coverage of  the outside areas;

·         Legislation in respect of smoking;

·         Enforcement of the Policy, including responsibility for cleaning;

·         Legislation in respect of music;

·         Appropriate levels of fees


It was noted that the results of the consultation would be reported to the Committee at its next meeting on 23rd March 2015.



(a)       that the Draft Street Amenity Policy as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be noted and approved for the purposes of consultation;

(b)       that officers be authorised to carry out formal consultations on the Draft Policy between 19th January 2015 and 2nd March 2015 and to report back to the Licensing Committee on 23rd March 2015 on the results of the consultation.  



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