Agenda item

Accommodation Relocation Report


The Committee were asked to consider a report which detailed the proposed change of accommodation for Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS), additional background papers and a revised recommendation from the WRS Management Board.


The Chairman reminded Members that they were being asked to consider and approve revised Recommendation 1, as detailed below and provided to all Joint Committee Members, with the confidential background papers:-


Joint Committee Members are asked to note the revised Recommendation, from the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Management Board, relating to agenda item five:-


 Accommodation Relocation Report


Recommendation 1 – That the service relocates its main operating base to Wyre Forest House.


The Head of WRS introduced the report and highlighted that senior officers had had angst over making the right decision for the service.  Further detailed information had been received by the Management Board from Wychavon District Council with regard to their bid.  The Head of WRS had met WRS Management Board representatives, Mr. I. Pumfrey, Chairman, WRS Management Board and Ms. J. Pickering, Executive Director, Finance and Resources, Bromsgrove District Council to determine the very best option for WRS. 


Councillor K. Jennings proposed that Members considered and approved the original recommendation, as detailed in the report. 


Councillor M. Hart responded that he was not pleased to hear this.  In his opinion there was now a firm revised recommendation, from the WRS Management Board, which had resulted from the lengthy work of the Management Board and the proposals put forward by both potential bidders; Wychavon District Council and Wyre Forest District Council.  A comprehensive scoring system had been followed with a clear distinction between each bid.  He did not agree with Councillor K. Jennings that Joint Committee Members should consider and approve the original recommendation.


Councillor K. Jennings stated that in his opinion, which ever bidder was the clear winner and succeeded in securing the bid, he was concerned that the background papers provided, namely the scoring matrix, had been flawed.  Councillor K. Jennings then highlighted to the Joint Committee the specific areas of the matrix that had caused him some concern. 


Councillor P. Harrison raised the point that the decision, with regard to WRS moving its main operating base, should be taken by Joint Committee Members and not, as detailed in the original recommendation, be delegated to officers.


An in depth discussion followed with regard to the lateness of the background papers provided and information detailed in the matrix and the scoring awarded.  Members questioned, that due to the lateness of the background papers being received, the additional information received by the WRS Management Board with regard to Wychavon District Council’s bid, should officers be tasked to look further at the additional information provided by Wychavon District Council, the matrix information detailed and the scoring awarded, plus an indication of staff preference; which had not been included anywhere in the report, be provided and brought back to the next meeting of the Joint Committee.  This would enable Members to make a valid decision taking into account all of the information as suggested in the pre-amble above.


The Chairman, WRS Management Board informed the Committee that it was imperative that Members agreed as a minimum the relocation arrangements in order that WRS could exit their current premises taking into account the timescales to be met by the University.  The matrix, as detailed in the background papers and agreed by the WRS, Management Board had been as a result of the information provided to the Board.  The original agenda papers issued to the Joint Committee had been as a result of that information.  The Board acknowledged that they had not received the required information fast enough, hence the original recommendation in the report being revised by the WRS Management Board. 


The Head of WRS reiterated that Members should consider the best solution for WRS at the earliest opportunity.  Staff already had to face potential redundancies and it was important that staff felt settled with regard to the required move to new premises.


Members were in agreement that they considered the best solution for WRS.   They had taken on board the comments made by the Head of WRS with regard to staff already facing uncertainties and were in agreement that it was important that a decision be made with regard to the proposed change of accommodation for WRS staff.  Councillor K. Jennings having heard the Head of WRS speak in favour of an early decision being made in the interest of WRS staff; reiterated Members earlier comments in respect of the best solution for WRS and informed the Committee that he was now in support of revised recommendation one.


The Head of WRS expressed his thanks to Wychavon District Council Members.


The Chairman sought clarification that Members felt in a position to vote on recommendation one, as revised, and recommendation two and three, as detailed in the original report.  The Chairman further informed the Committee that the decision would have to be a unanimous decision, as detailed in the Worcestershire Shared Services Partnership agreement.



(a)  that Worcestershire Regulatory Services relocate its main operating base to Wyre Forest House;

(b)  that authority be delegated to the Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services, and the Executive Director, Finance and Resources, Section 151 Officer for Bromsgrove District Council, to enter into the required contractual and financial arrangements necessary to facilitate the relocation; and

(c)  that the one-off costs of relocation be shared between partner authorities in the following proportions:-

·         50% to be borne by Worcestershire County Council

·         50% to be borne by the District Council partners, divided equally amongst them.

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