Agenda item

Request from Bromsgrove Taxi Association for changes to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policies


The Committee was asked to consider a request received by Licensing Officers, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) from Mr. L. Eacock, Chairman, Bromsgrove Taxi Association in respect of suggested changes to the Council’s current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Policies and Procedures.


The Senior Licensing Practitioner, WRS introduced the report and in doing so informed the Committee that the Council’s current policies in relation to the operation of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licences was set out in the Council’s Taxi Handbook and associated guidance issued by the Council.  Currently no scheduled reviews were due to be undertaken in relation to the Council’s policies, but officers did ensure that the Council’s policies were continually kept up to date to reflect any relevant changes in legislation.


WRS Officers were proposing to hold further discussions with members of the Taxi Association to seek further information on their views with regard to the Council’s current policies and procedures.  Members’ attention was drawn to the fact that some of the legislative changes to the rules around Private Hire and Hackney Carriage licensing would come into effect as part of the Deregulation Bill (as referred to in Minute Number 21/14 above). Therefore there was some benefit in delaying a full review of driver licensing until the Deregulation Bill was approved.


The Senior Licensing Practitioner drew Members’ attention to Appendix 2 of the report, which summarised the observations and comments from WRS officers in relation to the proposals put forward by the Taxi Association.  Officers felt that the next stage in the process would be for the Head of WRS to organise an open forum for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licence holders to discuss the proposals being put forward by the Chairman, Bromsgrove Taxi Association.


If Members were mindful and agreed that further discussions could take place with the taxi trade, officers would present a further report to Licensing Committee Members detailing the outcome of those discussions.  Members would then have more detailed information to make an informed decision as to whether a formal consultation should then be conducted as a result of the initial discussions.


The Senior Licensing Practitioner, WRS responded to Members’ questions with regard to the following items in the summary of proposals as detailed at Appendix 2 to the report:-


·         Return to a two-tier system (private hire or hackney carriage).  Officers thought there could be some merit in offering a “private hire only” option as an alternative to the current dual hackney carriage / private hire vehicle driver’s licence.  Applicants for such “private hire only” licences would not necessarily need to undertake a geographical knowledge test as private hire drivers were booked in advance and therefore had the opportunity to research the route to the required destination.  Officers were mindful of the impact that the Deregulation Bill could have on driver licensing and were of the opinion that it would be worth delaying any changes to driver licensing policies and procedures until the Deregulation Bill had been implemented.

·         Currently the set fee for a driver’s licence covered the cost of administering the licence application and the knowledge test.  Members were informed that applicants could take more than one knowledge test at no additional cost. It was suggested that new applicants pay separately to undertake each knowledge test. Officers were in agreement with this proposal.

·         All new applicants to sit a Maths and English test.  Other authorities in the County required applicants to undertake an “essential skills” test alongside the knowledge test.  Officers broadly supported the introduction of such a test to promote and improve standards generally. 

·         Introduction of a requirement that new hackney carriage vehicles entering the licensed fleet were under five years of age when first licensed.  Currently any vehicle deemed suitable under the age of 10 years could be licensed as a hackney carriage.  This proposed amendment could potentially generally improve the standard of vehicles, but would need to be subject to consultation with the licensed trade and other interested parties.


Members raised questions with regards to the current low number of wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicles currently licensed by the Council.  With the introduction of improved facilities for disabled users at the district’s new railway station, it was questioned where this might have an impact on customers wanting to use hackney carriages in the district.


Further discussion took place on the age and mechanical condition of vehicles over seven years of age.  The Senior Licensing Practitioner informed Members that when a vehicle reached seven years of age from the date of first registration, it was required to undergo an MOT (Ministry of Transport) test and vehicle inspection every six months at the Council’s depot.  The Council’s Taxi Handbook stated that the age limit of a vehicle could be waived if the vehicle was special or prestigious as designated by the Licensing Officer, then presented to a meeting of the Licensing Sub Committee for visual inspection in order for Members to determine if they should go outside the Council’s policy with regard to age exemption.  Members further discussed the possibility of standardising vehicles in the district as other authorities had, by limiting the age of vehicles and only allowing a specific colour of vehicle to be licensed or vehicles made to display a specific logo.


Councillor S. P. Shannon welcomed the Taxi Association report, which had highlighted ways to improve the image and reputation of the taxi trade in the Bromsgrove district.  In his opinion it was a very positive step.


Members noted that the report had enabled a number of important issues  and concerns of the Taxi Association to be discussed.  Members were in agreement that there would be some benefit in delaying a review of driver licensing as some of the legislative changes to the rules around Private Hire and Hackney Carriage licensing would come into effect as part of the Deregulation Bill, which was expected to receive Royal Assent before May 2015.



(a)  that the contents of the report from the Bromsgrove Taxi Association be noted, 

(b)  that the Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services be tasked to organise open forums for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licence Holders to discuss the proposals more widely, and  

(c)  that all proposals and consultation documents be brought back to a future meeting of the Licensing Committee for comment.

Supporting documents: