Agenda item

Worcestershire Regulatory Services Annual Report 2013/2014


The Committee considered the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Annual Report for the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014.


The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) informed the Committee that under the Worcestershire Shared Services Partner Agreement the Joint Committee was required to receive the annual report at its annual meeting.  The report covered the performance of the service for the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014.


The Head of WRS informed Members that the report covered the performance of the service.  This year had seen continued discussions around future operating and financial models for the delivery of the service.  Budget reductions requested by partners had been delivered by way of efficiencies and reductions identified for 2014/2015 that included reductions in service level.  The year 2013/2014 was still an excellent year for work activity with excellent results across a range of service areas, some good outcomes from Court cases and a wide range of other project work delivered.


The Head of WRS drew Members’ attention to the performance information as detailed on pages 19 to 22 of the Annual Report.  Members were briefly informed of the recent Joint Overview and Scrutiny exercise.  Members from the seven partner authorities had formed a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Task Group focusing on what WRS had delivered since its inception.  Interviews had been held with WRS officers and the Management Board.  The findings of the Task Group would be brought to a future meeting of the Joint Committee.


Councillor Mrs. L. Hodgson highlighted that one of the criticisms of the Task Group was information from Joint Committee meetings not being cascaded down to all partner authorities Members.  She raised the question “How did we ensure information was cascaded down to Members of each partner authority”.  Councillor M. Hart responded that he felt that Joint Committee Members had a huge role to play and was of the opinion that it was down to Joint Committee Members to feedback to their respective Members to ensure they were kept fully informed.  Further discussion followed with Members agreeing on the importance of information being cascaded down to partner authorities Members, so as any concerns identified could then be raised via their Joint Committee Member at Joint Committee meetings.  Members also agreed that it would be good practice to send a copy of the WRS Annual Report each year to all partner authorities Members as well as partner authorities Chief Executives and Managing Directors.


The Head of WRS responded to Members’ questions with regard to the savings for partner councils as identified on page 47 of the Annual Report.  Highlighting that WRS were working with partner authorities to develop savings over the next two years, strategic partnering would help with savings.


The Head of WRS drew Members’ attention to ‘Other Highlights’ on pages 23 to 30 of the Annual Report.  The Head of WRS responded to Members’ questions with regard to press releases being issued and informed the Committee that WRS had a robust approach and proactive role when it came to areas of successful working or successful prosecutions which were publicised via press releases.



(a)          that the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Annual Report 2013/2014 be noted; and

(b)          that a copy of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Annual Report 2013/2014 be forwarded to the Chief Executive, Managing Director and Members of each partner authority.

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