Agenda item

Worcester Road Hackney Carriage Stand - New Proposal


Following on from the meeting held on 17th March 2014, consideration was given to a report that provided Members with details of the 28 day public consultation on the proposal to provide additional spaces for hackney carriages to stand and ply for hire on Worcester Road, Bromsgrove.


The Senior Licensing Practitioner, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) introduced the report and in doing so informed the Committee that following on from the Licensing Committee held on 17th March 2014 a notice was published in a local newspaper inviting comments on the proposal to provide additional spaces for hackney carriages to stand and ply for hire on the Worcester Road.  Site notices were placed in Worcester Road to draw the public’s attention to the proposal and letters delivered to businesses and residents in Worcester Road to highlight the proposal to them.  As required by legislation, notice was given to the Chief Officer, West Mercia Police.  The Chairman of Bromsgrove Taxi Association was also informed of the proposal.


No objections were received from members of the public, local businesses or the taxi trade with regard to the proposal.  Officers from WRS had received a letter from West Mercia Police Traffic Management Advisor, Mr. Rod Lake, who stated that “as a result of detailed discussions with the local Safer Neighbourhood Team who support the amended scheme I have no objection to the proposal”.


There was detailed discussion on the recommendations as detailed in the report with some Members expressing their concerns about public safety.  Members expressed concern with the proposed hackney carriage stand operating predominantly as a ‘feeder’ to the existing part-time stand.  Who would manage or supervise the use of the proposed ‘feeder’ hackney carriage stand.  There was no way of ensuring that potential passengers used the proposed hackney carriage stand as a ‘feeder’ stand.  Further concerns were raised with regard to the position of the proposed hackney carriage stand, more specifically public safety and passengers entering hackney carriages on the road side, if the proposed ‘feeder’ stand was left unmanaged. 


The Senior Licensing Practitioner responded to the concerns raised and informed the Committee that specific signage could be erected in order to clarify and ensure potential passengers were made aware of the ‘feeder’ hackney carriage stand.  The Taxi Association had contributed to the consultation of the proposed hackney carriage stand and officers would work with the taxi association and liaise with drivers to ensure the proposed rank was managed and monitored by the drivers themselves. 


Further discussion followed on the use of the ‘feeder’ hackney carriage stand.  The Council’s Legal Advisor clarified that the proposed hackney carriage stand would be an official hackney carriage stand and potential passengers could access vehicles from the proposed stand.  But as detailed in the preamble officers would work with the taxi association and drivers to ensure the proposed hackney carriage stand was managed.


Those Members in favour of the proposed hackney carriage stand were of the opinion that no objections had been received during the consultation period.

West Mercia Police Traffic Management Advisor and the local Safer Neighbourhood Team supported the proposal.  Officers were willing to work with the taxi association, drivers and other agencies to ensure the proposed hackney carriage stand was managed as a ‘feeder’ hackney carriage stand.


After further discussion it was



(a)   that the proposed hackney carriage stand, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved; and

(b)   that officers be tasked to carry out the legal process required.

Supporting documents: