Agenda item

Artrix Outreach Provision Task Group Report


The Cabinet received the report of the Artrix Outreach Work Provision Task Group. The Chairman of the Task Group, Councillor S. P. Shannon, was present to provide clarification on any matters raised by Cabinet members.


The Committee considered the recommendations of the Task Group which were contained within 5 chapters:


·         Funding from Bromsgrove District Council;

·         Raising Awareness of Outreach Work with Councillors;

·         Outreach Provision;

·         Raising Awareness of Outreach Work with Residents; and

·         General


The Cabinet then considered the recommendations of the Task Group in detail.


Recommendation 1


(a)       that the inclusion of a set of clear performance indicators in respect of Outreach work be included within the new Service Level Agreement; and

(b)       that a proportion of the funding provided by the Council be ring fenced for Outreach work.


Cabinet  Response


The Cabinet sought confirmation that the Artrix Centre had been consulted on this and then approved the recommendation.


Recommendation 2


That the Bromsgrove District Council logo be more prominent in Artrix promotional literature.


Cabinet  Response


This was approved.


Recommendation 3


(a)       that in order to complement the formal reporting of performance indicators to Officers that the Council receives a quarterly informal (narrative and image based) report from the Artrix detailing the events that have taken place together with the number of those attending; and

(b)       that those Member representatives on the Operating Trust report back regularly to full Council.


Cabinet  Response


This was approved.


Recommendation 4


(a)       that the Artrix Centre liaise with Members in respect of specific activities within their ward; and

(b)       that the Artrix Centre explore ways in which it could raise awareness of its activities in all areas within the District. (For example through Parish Council, school and other notice boards throughout the District.).


Cabinet Response


This was approved.


Recommendation 5


(a)       that the Artrix Centre ensure that there is a defined profile for the target participants / audience that the Outreach Provision is provided for;

(b)       that the Artrix Centre ensure that participation in such activities is not prohibitive due to cost (for example, seek funding for bursaries where possible); and

(c)       that the Artrix Centre make activities available throughout the main school holidays, particularly during the Easter and summer breaks.


Cabinet Response


Councillor M. J. A. Webb proposed that, in addition, the Artrix Centre be invited to provide a presentation for the benefit of Council members outlining its plans at least once each year. Councillor S. P. Shannon indicated that Artrix Centre had undertaken to do so. In response to a query over Councillors acting as Trustee Board members and reporting back to the Council there was discussion as to the legal propriety of such a course of action. The Principal Solicitor undertook to investigate this matter and report back to the Committee following the meeting. This recommendation was approved, as amended.


Recommendation 6


That an insert, prepared by the Artrix, be included within Together Bromsgrove detailing Outreach activities at the Artrix.


Cabinet  Response


This was approved.


Recommendation 7


That the main programme brochure which is produced by the Artrix be used to promote its Outreach work.


Cabinet  Response


This was approved.


Recommendation 8


That the Artrix promote all the facilities available to those with a disability.


Cabinet  Response


Councillor C. B. Taylor enquired whether any facilities within the Artrix were not available to those with a disability. Councillor S. P. Shannon responded that the issue was less one of accessibility and the recommendation was more concerned with the improved promotion of facilities and programme provided for those with a disability. This was approved.


Recommendation 9


That the Artrix consider contacting Worcestershire County Council with a view to improving the signage within the Railway Station and Town Centre areas.


Cabinet  Response


This was approved.

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