Agenda item

Air Quality Task Group - Further Comments from Overview And Scrutiny Task Group on Cabinet Response


The Cabinet considered additional comments from the Air Quality Task Group on the Cabinet’s original response to the recommendations put forward in the Task Group’s report response. 


The further response from the Cabinet was as follows:


Recommendation 1 (encompassing 4 matters arising from the previous Task Group report on Air Quality in 2007)


Recommendation 1(from 2007) – Low Emissions Zones


The Cabinet re-iterated previous comments that this was not supported in view of the finance implications.


Recommendation 7 (from 2007) – Town Centre Redevelopment


It was stated that there was not a replacement group for the Town Centre Redevelopment Group but it was anticipated that WRS expertise would be drawn on as and when required in respect of Town Centre issues in the usual way.


Recommendation 8 (from 2007) – Traffic Lights at High Street and The Strand


It was stated that changes to the junction and to the traffic lights were incorporated into the changes around the Sainsbury’s development.


Recommendation 17(from 2007) - Taxi Ranks


Overview and Scrutiny were able to request this report from WRS.


Recommendation 2 - Separate Air Quality Action Plans


The additional comments were noted but the Cabinet did not wish to amend its previous decision.


Recommendation 3 - Separate Air Quality Steering Groups


The additional comments were noted but in view of the decision on recommendation 2 above the Cabinet did not wish to amend its previous decision.


Recommendation 4 – Regular Progress Reports from the Air Quality Steering Groups


In view of the decision on recommendations 2 and 3 above the Cabinet did not wish to amend its previous decision.


Recommendation 5 – Application for funding from DEFRA Air Quality Grant Programme

The Cabinet did not wish to wish to amend its previous decision particularly in view of the WRS resources which would be required to prepare and submit an appropriate and fully evidenced funding application.


Recommendation 6 – Request the WCC to apply for funding from the Worcestershire Local Transport Body


The Portfolio Holder undertook to write to the WCC Portfolio Holder on this issue.


Recommendation 7- Request the WCC to liaise with local Bus Operators on the establishment of a Local Bus Quality Partnership  


The Portfolio Holder undertook to write to the WCC Portfolio Holder on this issue.


Recommendation 8 – Worcestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Cabinet had no objection to the District Council representatives on the HOSC raising this issue with the Committee.


Recommendation 9 – Regular Monitoring of particulate air pollutants within the AQMAs by carried out by WRS  


The Cabinet did not wish to amend its previous decision particularly in view of the WRS resources which would be required to prepare and submit an appropriate and fully evidenced funding application.


Recommendation 10 – Letter to be sent to the relevant Government Minister in relation to HGV emission levels  


The Portfolio Holder undertook to action this recommendation.


Recommendation 11 – Letter to be sent to the relevant Government Minister regarding a review of the role of those responsible for Air Quality


The Portfolio Holder undertook to action this recommendation.




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