Agenda item

Worcester Road Hackney Carriage Stand - new proposal


Following on from the Licensing Committee meeting held on 25th November 2013 consideration was given to a further report that provided Members with details of a new proposal to provide additional spaces for hackney carriages to stand and ply for hire in Worcester Road.


The Senior Licensing Practitioner introduced the report and in doing so drew Members’ attention to the original proposal which had been put forward by the Taxi Trade as detailed in the report presented to Licensing Committee Members on 25th November 2013.  After considering the responses received and the objections raised in the 28 day public consultation, on the original proposal undertaken by Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS), Members had agreed that officers be tasked to explore other options for creating additional rank spaces in the Worcester Road area.


In December 2013 officers met with the following key stakeholders; West Mercia Police Traffic Management Advisor, Worcestershire County Council Highways Senior Traffic Management Engineer and Mr. Eacock Bromsgrove Taxi Association.  The meeting included a site visit to Worcester Road and the surrounding area to consider and evaluate the options to increase the provision of space for hackney carriages to stand and ply for hire at night.  The proposal, as detailed at sections 3.14 and 3.15 in the report, was agreed by all key stakeholders to be the best and only realistic available option for increasing provision for hackney carriages to stand at night in Worcester Road.  Councillor R. J. Shannon expressed his concerns that Ward Members had not been invited to attend the meeting with key stakeholders as he felt they should have been invited to attend.


The intention was that the proposed hackney carriage stand would operate predominately as a ‘feeder’ to the existing part-time stand.  If the proposed   stand operated in this way, it would ensure that passengers could enter vehicles directly from the pavement on the nearside.  This was considered to be safer than having to enter the vehicle from the middle of the road, where there could be an increased traffic accident risk on a relatively narrow road.  The Senior Licensing Practitioner further informed Members, that as detailed in the report, it was understood that the current management of the nightclub in Worcester Road had offered to provide marshals to help manage the taxi queue and direct passengers to enter taxis from the existing part-time rank rather than the proposed ‘feeder’ facility.


Worcestershire County Council Highway’s Unit had confirmed to officers that there was no requirement to amend any existing Traffic Regulation Orders to implement the proposal being put forward.  This would significantly reduce the timescale for establishing a hackney carriage stand.


The Council’s Legal Advisor responded to Members’ questions and in doing so clarified that the proposal being put forward was to create an appointed stand for hackney carriages that would act as a ‘feeder’ facility.  Members were correct and passengers would be able to access taxis directly from the proposed ‘feeder’ facility area.  It was anticipated that the marshals would direct passengers to the existing rank and away from the ‘feeder’ facility.  Councillor S. P. Shannon expressed his concerns and questioned if compromise had been made with financial costs taking precedent over the safety of passengers.  He stated, as clarified by the Council’s Legal Advisor that passengers could access taxis directly from the proposed ‘feeder’ facility and possibly attempt to access vehicles via the roadside rather than via the footpath on a busy road.  Therefore he felt unable to support the recommendation to conduct a 28 day public consultation process on the proposed hackney carriage stand.


Councillor R. S. Shannon highlighted that he understood it was only a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ whereby the nightclub had suggested they would provide marshals.  What would happen if the ownership of the nightclub changed or marshals were unavailable to work until 3 a.m.  He expressed further concern that passengers would try and access taxis directly from the ‘feeder’ facility and access them roadside, therefore he could not support the recommendation to conduct a 28 day public consultation process on the proposed hackney carriage stand.  He felt that additional options should have been presented to the Licensing Committee.


The Senior Licensing Practitioner responded to Member’s questions and clarified that the proposal being put forward would not impede on any premises entrances/driveways or cause any obstruction to premises in Worcester Road. 


Councillor J. M. L. A Griffiths felt that the consideration of additional rank spaces had gone on for sometime.  Officers had scoped other options which were not supported by all stakeholders consulted with and she felt that as a consulted stakeholder the police would not compromise passenger safety.



(a)  that a 28 day public consultation process on the proposed Worcester Road Hackney Carriage Stand be conducted; and

(b)   that any objections received be brought back to the Licensing Committee for consideration before a decision be taken to proceed with the appointment of the proposed Worcester Road Hackney Carriage Stand.

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