Agenda item

Hardship Fund Payments and Criteria - Presentation


The Board received a presentation from the Benefits Services Manager on the subject of the Essential Living Fund (Appendix B).


Members were advised that the Essential Living Fund had replaced community care grants and crisis loans.  The fund had been allocated by the Government to the County Council in two-tier authority areas such as Worcestershire and was due to come into effect from 1st April 2013.  However, delivery of the process in the district had been delegated to Bromsgrove District Council. 


Local knowledge and accessibility would underpin management of the fund by the Council.  As part of this process Officers would be taking into account applicants’ eligibility to apply for other local grants and benefits when determining whether to provide support to an individual using the Essential Living Fund. 


During the course of considering this item Members discussed the following points in detail:


·                To ensure funding was used to provide the services required by recipients an emphasis would be placed on providing goods rather than cash.

·                Members commented that there were various grants available at the local level.  It would take time to identify all of these grants and to clarify the eligibility criteria.

·                Young people leaving care were entitled to apply for a number of grants.  This included a grant to purchase white goods (the Executive Director for Finance and Corporate Resources to clarify the age range for care leavers eligible to apply for this grant).

·                A number of Parish Councils provided endowment and charitable funding to people in need.  Members suggested that all Parish Councils in the district should be contacted to enable the Council to identify support available to residents at the parish level.

·                The potential impact of the spare room subsidy on local families was discussed.  Some of the residents affected by the subsidy would be entitled to access a hardship fund, though the support required would be provided on a case by case basis.

·                Concerns were expressed with regard to the potential impact that the spare room subsidy could have on foster parents who cared for more than one child at a time.  These carers were more likely to have multiple rooms for siblings from the same family to use (and which would not always be in use) and Members were keen to ensure that children remained with their siblings wherever possible.  It was understood that there was12 foster parents in Worcestershire which could be affected, but there was some uncertainty as to whether any were based in the District. 

·                The amount of funding allocated to the Essential Living Fund was equivalent to the level of funding that had been allocated to crisis loans in 2006 (£101,000).  There was the potential that, if there was high demand for assistance using the fund, the budget would be spent before the end of the financial year.  Officers would be monitoring expenditure and would report to Cabinet if it appeared likely that this would occur.

·                The Board noted that the introduction of the fund would have implications for residents living in the district and Members would need to be familiar with the subject.  A briefing on the Essential Living Fund for all Members of the Council was discussed and it was agreed this would be set up in the near future.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.