Agenda item

Disabled Parking Review (Including Blue Badge Holders)


The Cabinet considered a report on a Review which had been undertaken in relation to the use of Council car parks by Blue Badge holders. This had been as part of an investigation into the possibility of granting free parking to disabled users.


The Portfolio Holder Councillor M. J. A. Webb explained in detail the background to the report and the work which had been undertaken by the cross party working group, which had consisted of Members and officers, to obtain accurate data on the level of use of the car parks by Blue Badge holders.


By using a variety of data including on site surveys it had been determined that for budget purposes it was reasonable to assume the annual revenue generated by disabled parking bays to be approximately £50,000 per annum. 


It was reported that in order to take into account the views of disabled users of the service when considering the options available, meetings had taken place with community members and groups representing disabled people. In addition, in July 2012 a detailed survey had been sent to over 1200 Blue Badge holders.  It was noted that at the time of the survey it had not been possible to access the Worcestershire County Council Blue Badge holder data base due to data protection issues, although it was hoped these issues had now been resolved.  The survey had also been publicised through the local press and the Council’s website.


The response to the survey had been very good with 474 responses being received. The survey had been designed to obtain views on all aspects of Blue Badge parking including location of spaces, ease of use of the service and cost issues.


Councillor Webb then outlined the results of the survey which he felt in some instances had been unexpected and contrary to generally held beliefs. In particular he highlighted that only 19 respondents had ever used the “BURT” bus, whilst 26% of respondents were not aware of the additional free hour offered to Blue Badge Holders. In addition the vast majority of respondents stated that they felt the car park spaces and the location of the pay machines were suitable and that the pay machines were easy to use. Whilst 46% stated that the cost of parking in Bromsgrove meant they shopped elsewhere, the majority of these gave Redditch as an alternative where a charge was also made for parking by Blue Badge holders. From the answers given to other questions it appeared that the quality/numbers of shops available was also a key factor.


Councillor Webb drew Members’ attention to the options outlined in the report and reminded Cabinet that separately from this exercise, a full review of all aspects of the operation of the car park service was underway. In addition the regeneration of the Town Centre would also impact greatly on car parking and would be likely to attract more people to use the car parks. It was felt that there was a need to fully publicise and promote the facility for Blue Badge Holders to have an additional hour’s parking free of charge. This would be particularly effective if it was to be publicised as part of the information distributed when new or replacement Blue Badges were being issued.


Following discussion it was



(a)       that there be no change to the current arrangements in respect of car parking for Blue Badge holders, but that the facility of the additional hour of free parking be actively promoted and fully publicised; and

(b)       that following the active promotion referred to above, a further survey be undertaken to assess the needs of Blue Badge holders and that the timing of this be agreed between the Head of Environmental Services and the Portfolio Holder, in the light of the regeneration of the Town Centre and the on going review of the car park service as a whole.











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