The Leader invited the Chairman of the Recreation Road South Car Park Task Group, Councillor S. P. Shannon to introduce the report of the Task Group on the review of that car park.
Councillor Shannon gave background information on the purpose of the Task Group and the evidence which had been gathered during the investigation. Councillor Shannon also made reference to some additional information he had obtained following the completion of the report.
Councillor Shannon acknowledged that the Task Group Members had initially had a negative perception of the operation of the car park, particularly in relation to fixed penalty notices and appeals against these. As a result of the investigation this had largely been dispelled.
The Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, Councillor M. J. A. Webb responded to the points raised by Councillor Shannon and to the recommendations contained within the report. The Cabinet generally recognised the benefits of the recommendations from the Task Group although clearly timing and financial implications were issues which had to be addressed, particularly in terms of recommendations 3, 4 and 5.
The Leader thanked Councillor Shannon and the other Members of the Task Group for their work in producing the report which had provoked an interesting debate. The Leader also thanked Ms. A. Scarce, Committee Services Officer for her work in supporting the Task Group.
RESOLVED that the response to each of the recommendations within the report of the Review of the Recreation Road South Car Park Task Group be as set out below:
Recommendation 1
That a PR exercise be carried out to promote the Recreation Road South Car Park (and all other car parks) and to highlight the qualities of the car parks and the benefits of the Pay on Foot system.
Cabinet Response
That officers be requested to report back on the publicity and promotion currently planned over the next twelve months in relation to encouraging use of Council owned car parks together with the benefits Pay on Foot system. It was felt this programme could be reviewed and amended if necessary in the light of the findings of the Task Group.
Recommendation 2
That the standard letter templates used by the Car Parking Team be reviewed to ensure they are in line with the Customer Service Strategy Guidelines.
Cabinet Response
That the recommendation be agreed and as part of the review to be undertaken, and in line with best practice from other Authorities, an explanation for the issue of the Fixed Penalty Notice be provided to the recipient of the Notice in each case.
Recommendation 3
That the Pay on Foot system be expanded to other car parks wherever possible.
Cabinet Response
That the benefits of the Pay on Foot system be fully acknowledged, however in view of the Town Centre regeneration project which includes a comprehensive traffic management review, it would be premature to consider the introduction of a Pay on Foot system on other car parks at this stage.
Recommendation 4
That free car parking be provided (in all car parks) all day on a Sunday in order to encourage people to visit the Town Centre.
Cabinet Response
That the operation of the car parking service would be reviewed as part of the Shared Services and Transformation Programme and matters such as the structure of car parking fees would be considered as part of that review. It was acknowledged however that the financial implications of this recommendation would inevitably be a significant issue.
Recommendation 5
That free car parking be provided (in all car parks) after 7.00pm in order to encourage people to visit the Town Centre.
Cabinet Response
That the operation of the car parking service would be reviewed as part of the Shared Services and Transformation Programme and matters such as the structure of car parking fees would be considered as part of that review. It was acknowledged however that the financial implications of this recommendation would inevitably be a significant issue.
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