Agenda and minutes

NHB Community Grants Panel (replaced by the Community Grants Panel March 2021) - Wednesday 12th August 2020 4.00 p.m.

Venue: Virtual Meeting - Skype - Virtual. View directions

Contact: Amanda Scarce, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




Councillor G. N. Denaro chaired the Panel meeting and welcomed all those present.  The general housekeeping rules and protocol for participating in virtual Committee meetings was outlined for the consideration of all attendees.




Declarations of Interest


Councillor S. Webb highlighted that whilst applications 1 and 2 were in Catshill they were not in her Ward.  She also highlighted that her husband was Chairman of the executive committee of 6th Bromsgrove Scouts.


Officers clarified that in respect of applications which had been supported by Ward Councillors who were also Members of the Panel the Member would not take any part in the final decision making process and would be excluded from any discussions on those items.




Background Information pdf icon PDF 105 KB


The aim of this meeting was to give the Panel Members the opportunity to discuss the applications with the applicants and for applicants to respond to any questions which may arise from those discussions.



Presentation Timetable pdf icon PDF 367 KB


Each application had been allocated a five minute slot and those in attendance were advised that they were welcome to leave the virtual when they had responded to any questions in respect of their application.



Summary of Applications - Lower pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Director, Finance and Resources introduced each item and provided a brief overview of the application and any applicant attending was introduced.  Members were then invited to raise any questions or points of clarification with the applicant.


It was also highlighted that there had been a number of issues nationally with Skype for Business and that there were some difficulties in connectivity with those in the meeting.  This would not impact on the final deliberations of the Panel and any questions raised would be forwarded to those applicants unable to attend and any response circulated to the Panel Members.


6th Bromsgrove Scouts Group – Hut Security


Vivien Ware from the 6th Bromsgrove Scouts Group attended the meeting and Members considered the application before them.  Arising from questions the following points were noted:


·       It was confirmed that the CCTV would be fitted by a Scout Leader who was a qualified electrician and the equipment sourced through his regular supplier. 

·       This will be done free of charge and would be the Scouts contribution to the cost of the project.

·       It was confirmed that the Scout Group did have a small amount of funds in balances.

·       The number of members of the Scout Group was confirmed together with the waiting list.

·       If the project was only part funded it was confirmed that the fire doors were the most important area of the project as the work would need to be completed before the Scout Hut could re-open.

·       The CCTV equipment had been discussed with the local Police who had provided advise on this and other areas following the break-ins.


Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Council - Youth Club Start Up


Sami Osman attended in support of this application.  The following points were clarified:


·       The age range of those attending and the group aimed at in the future.  The target audience was 11-16 year olds, but it would be open to others if they wanted to join.

·       The types of activities that would be included in the future programme were also highlighted, it was noted that there would also be a quite area available for the young people and together with a number of craft activities.

·       Unfortunately, the group had only held 3 sessions prior to lockdown being put in place.  It was hoped that under normal circumstances the group would have between 20-30 members.  Although it was appreciated that this would vary depending on the time of year but was felt to be a realistic target and manageable with the resources available.  It was still hoped that this would be achievable despite the current situation.

·       It was anticipated that the Group would become self-sufficient within the first year.  A small charge was made for attending the group and there was a minimal cost to hire the village hall.

·       The Group was run in partnership with the YMCA.


Clent Parish Council – Youth Council Football Pitch Improvement Project


Councillor N. Sugden from the Parish Council attended in support of this application,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11/2020


Scoring Matrix Template pdf icon PDF 18 KB


Members would be considering the criteria within the Scoring Matrix when reaching their decision in respect of each application.