Venue: Parkside Committee - Parkside. View directions
Contact: Amanda Scarce, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: Councillor Baxter chaired the Panel and welcomed all those present. Introductions were made and general housekeeping explained. |
Background Information Minutes: It was explained that this was the second of three meetings which would consider the bids for £2,880 and under. The first meeting had taken place the previous week and considered the bids from £2,881 up to £28,800. A third meeting would be held, in private, when the Panel would consider all the bids that had been presented to them and put forward its recommendations for consideration at the Cabinet meeting to be held on 6th September. Applicants would not receive formal confirmation in respect of their applications until after that meeting.
The aim of this meeting was to give the Panel Members the opportunity to discuss the applications with the applicants and for applicants to respond to any questions which may arise from those discussions. |
Minutes: Members would be considering the criteria within the Scoring Matrix when reaching their decision in respect of each application. |
Minutes: Each application had been allocated a five minute slot and those in attendance were advised that they were free to go when they had responded to any questions in respect of their application. |
Applications £2,880 and under Additional documents:
Minutes: South Bromsgrove Academy – 3G Sports Pitch Enhancement
The Democratic Services Officer gave a brief summary of the application (which was for a portable electronic scoreboard), covered the amount of funding requested and the total cost of the project, the aim of the project and evidence of the impact of growth.
Alyson Jewson, Chair of Governors attended to respond to any questions from the Panel, which included: · How will this benefit the residents – the pitch was not just for the school but for everyone to use and the take up of users had been more than anticipated. · Funds had been received from Section 106 monies – yes the Council contributed towards the overall package. School budgets, like everyone else’s are being reduced and it was hoped that the pitch would start to pay for itself. The addition of the piece of equipment would make the pitch more professional and draw in more people and significant sporting events. It would be available for all sporting fixtures using the 3G pitch. · It was a fundamental piece of equipment for leagues games and a pitch of this type.
Finstall First School – Defibrillator Box
The Democratic Services Officer gave a brief summary of the application which covered the amount of funding requested and the total cost of the project, the aim of the project and evidence of the impact of growth.
Councillor Caroline Spencer attended to present this application which she had supported and respond to questions from the Panel, which included: · It was explained that the cost was for a locked, coded box to be fitted outside the school, thus enabling more people to have access to the defibrillator if necessary. · Who will pay for any necessary training – the installer had already provided training free of charge and was willing to do this again and provide the necessary leaflets to promote that training to the local community also free of charge. · Ongoing maintenance costs – this will be funded by the PTA.
St Peters Community Centre – Centre Refurbishment
The Democratic Services Officer gave a brief summary of the application which covered the amount of funding requested and the total cost of the project, the aim of the project and evidence of the impact of growth.
A representative from the Community Centre attended the meeting in order to respond to questions from Members, which included: · The Community Centre was currently registered with Environmental Health with a 5 star rating as a lunch club for older people was held there every week. However, it was finding it difficult to maintain this due to the condition of the fridge and work surfaces which had seen better days. The NCT and Castle Kids also used the Centre. · The shortfall in funding – the School and Church had held fund raising events and pledged the money to meet the shortfall.
1st Alvechurch Guides – New Rangers Unit
The Democratic Services Officer gave a brief summary of the application which covered the amount of funding ... view the full minutes text for item 10/17 |