Agenda and minutes

NHB Community Grants Panel (replaced by the Community Grants Panel March 2021) - Wednesday 17th August 2016 4.00 p.m.

Venue: Parkside Committee - Parkside. View directions

Contact: Amanda Scarce, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




Councillor Sue Baxter took the lead at the meeting, introducing the other Members and Officers and welcomed the public and applicants that were in attendance. 


It was noted that an apology for absence had been received from Councillor Geoff Denaro, and that Councillor Phil Thomas was attending as his substitute.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Background Information pdf icon PDF 64 KB


Councillor Baxter gave a brief overview of the New Homes Bonus Community Grants Scheme and explained the purpose of this meeting was to give each applicant a five minute time slot in which to present their application and respond to questions from Members. 


Councillor Baxter reiterated that a decision would not be made at this meeting, but applicants would be advised of the Panel’s recommendations within 10 working days and a final decision would be made by Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 7th September 2016.



Scoring Matrix pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


It was explained that each Member had been provide with a copy of the Scoring Matrix for each application.  Following the public meeting, the Panel would consider these in more detail and they would form the basis of the recommendations which the Panel would make the Cabinet. 


It was highlighted that a decision as to whether the Panel would recommend any application for consideration by Cabinet at its meeting on 7th September would not be announced at the meeting.  Applicants would be advised of the outcome within 10 working days, with the notes and recommendations from the meeting also being published on the Council’s website within that time frame.


Presentation Timetable pdf icon PDF 66 KB



The timetable highlighted when each application would be considered.


Summaries of Applications pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Additional documents:


Application 1 – Resurface and re-mark playground (Fairfield First School)


In the absence of a representative from the School being attending to present the report, the Executive Director, Finance and Resources highlighted the salient points of the application.


Members raised a number of points including whether it was relevant to the NHB Community Grants Scheme to fund a project which was ostensibly a Worcestershire County Council matter.  Concerns were also raised as to what the options would be were the funds from the Council not be granted.


Application 2 – Hagley Community Pavilion (Hagley Football Club/Hagley Parish Council)


The Chairman of Hagley Parish Council together with Chairman of the Football Club attended the meeting to present this joint application.  A comprehensive overview of the application was given which included the history of the Club, the number of attendees and the variety of teams, together with the support it had received from the Football Association and Football Federation and other funding sources.  There were over 60 volunteer coaches, 200 supporters and over 150 visiting teams.  Other activities would also be able to take place within the new pavilion to enable it to be used as a community space.  Comprehensive information was provided to support the benefit to the local community.  It would be the only purpose built community space in Hagley and it was believed that 40% of those in the area would make use of it.


The Panel asked a number of questions of both Chairmen in order to understand the relationship between the Parish Council and Football Club and the details of the financial arrangements, as the overall cost of the project was some 3206k, with a significant contribution from the FA which needed to be spent within a set timescale and £90k being underwritten by the Parish Council.  It was clarified that the whilst the building would be the ownership of the Parish Council, there was written agreement to ensure that the Football Club had use of it, this had been part of the terms and conditions of funding being received from the Football Federation.  That formal agreement was already in place.


Application 3 – Purchase of new minibus (Hagley Ramblers Scouts Group)


Mr. Jim Austin, Scout Leader attended the meeting to present the application and respond to questions from the Panel.  Mr. Austin provided background information about the Hagley Ramblers Scout Group and the Scouting movement, together with the number and age range of its members.  The Panel were also advised that there was a waiting list of 50 at the current time.  He emphasised the need for a further minibus in order to transport the ever growing numbers to activities.  In previous years he had taken the minibus to different parts of Europe with the young people to participate in a number of activities.  Mr. Austin also highlighted the merits of the Scouting movement together with the positive impact on the local community.

The Panel raised a number of questions in respect of the additional funding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12/16