Agenda and minutes

NHB Community Grants Panel (replaced by the Community Grants Panel March 2021) - Monday 27th July 2015 4.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Amanda Scarce, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




The Members were introduced and Councillor L. C. R. Mallett took the lead at the meeting welcoming the public and applicants that were in attendance. 


Councillor S. J. Baxter declared an interest in Application 6, new foot lighting, Wythall Parish Council and informed the Panel that Councillor K. J. May would be her substitute for this application.


Background Information pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Mallett provided a brief summary to the background of the New Homes Bonus Community Grants Panel, which had arisen following an initial petition presented to Council and the formation of a Working Group, with a residents’ forum also being set up.  Details were also provided in respect of the Scheme which had been agreed by Cabinet at its January 2015 meeting and the timeline.


The purpose of this meeting was to give each applicant a five minute time slot in which to present their application and respond to questions from Members. 


Scoring Matrix pdf icon PDF 69 KB


It was explained that each Member had been provide with a copy of the Scoring Matrix for each application.  Following the public meeting, the Panel would consider these in more detail and they would form the basis of the recommendations which the Panel would make the Cabinet. 


It was highlighted that a decision as to whether the Panel would recommend any application for consideration by Cabinet at its meeting on 2nd September would not be announced at the meeting.  Applicants would be advised of the outcome within 10 working days, with the notes and recommendations from the meeting also being published on the Council’s website within that time frame.


Presentation Timetable pdf icon PDF 73 KB


The timetable highlighted when each application would be considered, with the smaller bids being considered first.



Summaries of Applications (£4,999 and under) pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


Application 1 – The Installation of five steel benches (Cofton Hackett Parish Council)


Parish Councillor Mrs Joan Fay attended on behalf of Cofton Hackett Parish Council and provided photographic evidence of the old and decaying benches which the Parish Council hoped to replace.  The Panel were informed that a number of these had been removed due to their poor state and health and safety issues and a number of complaints had been received.  The benches would be situated within the Lickey Hills and would therefore benefit both the local community and visitors to the area.  Parish Councillor Mrs Fay also highlighted the number of houses which had already and were expected to be built on the Longbridge site, which impacted on the local area. 


Parish Councillor Mrs Fay responded to a number of questions included whether quotations had been received and whether the £1,000 quoted included the cost of installation.  The Panel also questioned who would cover the cost of any on-going maintenance of the benches.


Application 2 – Chairs for Cofton Village Hall


Mrs Jennifer Webb attended on behalf of Cofton Village Hall and highlighted that the Village Hall was separate to the Parish Council.  It was explained that the number of houses being built on the Longbridge site would effectively double the size of the village.  Currently the only meeting room in the village was the Village Hall which was used for various regular meetings and functions.  The chairs were some 35 years old and in need of replacement.  The Village Hall was self-funding and any income raised from the hire of the venue was used for on-going maintenance of it.


The Panel asked what the capacity of the Hall was and Mrs Webb responded that the main area seated 100, with a smaller side room seating 40.  If the requested funds were not available then the Village Hall would purchase as many as possible.  The Panel also asked whether the Village Hall had explored other funding streams and whether it had any balances within its accounts.


Application 3 – Four New Planters (Cofton Hackett Parish Council)


Parish Councillor Richard Deeming attended on behalf of Cofton Hackett Parish Council.  He explained that the planters would be situated in the new Cofton Fields estate, as this was part of the Longbridge site which was split between Bromsgrove and Birmingham, the aim was to provide it with an identity and highlight that it was part of Bromsgrove District Council, Councillor Deeming highlighted that the Planters would be maintained by the Parish Council and the quotation provided did not include the cost of plants.


The Panel questioned the overall cost in comparison to the quotation received and whether any funds from the Parish Council were available.  Parish Councillor Deeming responded that the Parish Council had recently used a significant sum from balances towards the refurbishment of a children’s play area.


Application 5 – Replacement Bus Shelter – Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council


Parish Councillor Owen Sweeting, Chair of Catshill & Marlbrook Parish  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5/15


Summaries of Applications (£5,000 to £17,400) pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Additional documents:


Application 1 – Clubhouse Enhancement (Hagley Cricket Club)


Mr Ian Yorke and Mr David Hall presented the application on behalf of Hagley Cricket Club.  The Panel were informed that the Club had been in existence for 180 years and played in the grounds of Hagley Hall.  The current clubhouse facilities had been building in the 1960s and updated in the 1970s and was therefore in need for further urgent work.  It currently had a turnover of approximately £13,000 all of which was reinvested in the Club. Further detail in respect of what the work would entail was provided together with details of the membership and concerns that this would reduce if the facilities were not updated in line with those available at other clubs.


The Panel questioned whether the clubhouse belonged to Hagley Hall and it was confirmed that it was owned by the Cricket Club.  Further funding would be applied for through Sports England and the England and Wales Cricket Board, the Cricket Board funding would now be released until next year.  The amounts applied for would be dependent upon what, if any funding was received from the Council.  The project was broken down in specific stages and could be carried out over a period of time.


Application 2 – A Modern Catering Style Kitchen (Belbroughton Church Hall)


Mr John Pascalis, Treasurer of the Church Hall Trust, presented the application.  Mr Pascalis explained that the building was a 17th century listed building which was managed by a Committee, whilst it was owned by the Church they did not have any financial involvement.  The building was well used by the community and for functions such as weddings and parties.  However, in order to ensure that the usage was maintained the kitchen was in need of modernisation.


The Panel asked Mr Pascalis about the significant uncommitted balances which were highlighted within the accounts that had been provided. It was explained that this had increased further due to a bequest from a local source.  It was also confirmed that the work would still go ahead should the Council not recommend any funding. 


Application 3 – Improvement to Club Facilities Phase 1 (Hagley Lawn Tennis Club)


Mr Doug Slessor attended on behalf of the Tennis Club, which had been in existence for over 35 years and was based at Hagley Roman Catholic School.  Membership had fluctuated between 90 and 260, but was currently down to 60.  Mr Slessor believed that this was due to the in adequate playing courts poor facilities, which were not up to club/league standards, other clubs were reluctant to come and play matches at Hagley as there were no toilet facilities.  The priority was to address these issues and encourage new members, through the project.  The Club were in consultation with the School and would encourage them to put forward a bid to Sports England.  The aim would be to resurface the courts to make them multi-purpose in order to encourage other sports such  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6/15

Appendices pdf icon PDF 257 KB

Additional documents: