Agenda and minutes

Virtual Skype Meeting, Licensing (Miscellaneous) Sub-Committee B (this Sub-Committee has now been combined with the Licensing (Miscellaneous) Sub-Committee - Wednesday 26th August 2020 11.00 a.m.

Contact: Pauline Ross 

No. Item


Apologies for absence and notification of substitutes


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


All Members present at the meeting declared a pecuniary interest with regard to Agenda Item 3 – Application for a Street Trading Consent, Longlands Farm, Stoney Lane, Broad Green, Bromsgrove, B60 1LZ; in that they were all acquainted with Councillor P. J. Whittaker, through his role as a District Councillor; and were aware that the Application site was on his land. 


The Chairman took the opportunity to inform all those present that a reference had been made on page 12 of the main agenda report, that Councillor P. J. Whittaker, who was a member of the Licensing Committee, had been consulted with as the applicant for the Street Trading Consent being sought for on the gravel frontage adjacent to Longlands Farm. The Chairman informed al those present that Councillor P.J. Whittaker was not the applicant.


Note: that under this item Sub-Committee Members agreed to alter the running order of the agenda.


Application for a Street Trading Consent - Bransons Cross Farm, Beoley Lane, Beoley, Worcestershire, B98 9DP pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed all participants to the virtual meeting and in doing so, checked that Members of the Sub-Committee, officers and public speakers were present.


The Chairman asked the applicant’s representative if she had been made aware that she could be represented by a legal representative at the applicant’s own expense during the Hearing.  The applicant’s representative confirmed that she had been made aware and was happy for the Hearing to continue.


The Chairman confirmed that she had carried out an unannounced Site Visit 

to the proposed trading site, however, she was unable to access the actual site as it was on private land. Councillor C. J. Spencer stated that she was very familiar with the area.


The Sub-Committee then considered an application for street trading consent to sell hot and cold food and drinks from a unit on a privately-owned yard at Bransons Cross Farm, Beoley Lane, Beoley, B98 9DP.


The Technical Officer, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) outlined the details of the application, together with the reasons why the application had been brought before the Sub-Committee.  It was confirmed that the Responsible Authorities had been consulted with and that no representations had been received. 


However, seven representations had been received from members of the public.  The Technical Officer drew Members’ attention to the fact that those members of the public who had submitted representations were not considered to be within the vicinity for the purposes of notification under section 3.3.1 of the Council’s Street Trading policy. 


At the invitation of the Chairman, Ms. S. Walker, the applicant’s representative was asked to put forward the case in support of the application.


Ms. Walker commented that she was happy with the information provided by the Technical Officer, WRS and had nothing further to add.


In response to the Council’s Legal Advisor with regard to the representations received expressing concerns in respect of rubbish and the potential for vermin; Ms. Walker stated that general rubbish was put into the on-site bins, which were delivered and collected weekly by Biffa.  As a general rule, they did not cook more food then was required, but should this happen, that food was taken home to be consumed.  With bins supplied and collected weekly and no food wastage left on site, Ms. Walker did not envisage any issues with vermin.


In response to the Chairman with regard to the representations received about the current signage used, Ms. Walker explained that should the Street Trading Consent be granted, the applicant would seek advice from the Council regards suitable signage and where that signage could be placed. 


The Chairman took the opportunity to inform Ms. Walker that, Councillor M. Thompson was present as the Reserve Member and would take no part in the decision making process. 


The Council’s Legal Advisor informed the Members that they should consider all of the information and evidence as presented during the course of the Hearing and the written representations received from local residents.  The application site was on private land, however, a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3/20


Application for a Street Trading Consent, (gravel frontage adjacent) Longlands Farm, Stoney Lane, Broad Grren, Bromsgrove, B60 1LZ pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Additional documents:


The Democratic Services Officer informed the Members that the applicant was not present for the meeting.  The Technical Officer, WRS, further informed Sub-Committee Members that she had not heard from the applicant with regard to attending today’s meeting. 


The Council’s Legal Advisor informed Sub-Committee Members that she had received further information during the course of the Hearing.  She had been advised by the landowner that the applicant was currently not in the Country, it was not entirely clear what her intentions were with regard to this application.  It was understood that there were some contractual matters between the applicant and the person who owned the unit.


It was for Members to determine if they deemed it appropriate to consider the application or for further enquiries to be made and for the matter to be considered at a future Sub-Committee meeting.


The Sub-Committee then adjourned to consider its decision, upon its return it was


RESOLVED that the application for a Street Trading Consent be deferred.