Agenda and minutes

Overview Board - Tuesday 1st September 2009 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Michael Carr  Pauline Ross

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs. R. L. Dent and Mrs. C. J. Spencer.


Declarations of Interest and whipping arrangements


No declarations of interests or whipping arrangements were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 51 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Overview Board held on 7th July 2009 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be confirmed as a correct record.


Verbal update on progress of Older People Task Group


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs. M. Bunker addressed the meeting and gave an update in respect of the work of the Older People Task Group.


She reported that the Task Group would be investigating housing and housing support for older people in Bromsgrove, conducting a needs analysis and identifying gaps in service provision, undertaking a mystery shopper exercise for local authority information services for older people, benchmarking against another district authority and meeting with the Older People’s Forum. 


She was asked about Clent Ward at the Princess of Wales Hospital on the Stourbridge Road, Bromsgrove.  Clent Ward provides 22 beds for older adult mental health assessment and treatment. There were concerns over possible cuts in local services.  Councillor Mrs. M. Bunker responded that the Task Group had been informed that these concerns have been addressed and that the need for local services was recognised. 


Councillor Mrs. Bunker requested an extension on the time for the Task Group investigation so that the report and recommendations of the Task Group would be presented on 2nd February 2010 meeting of the Overview Board.  This would allow the Task Group to consult the Equality and Diversity Forum meeting in December and participate in the Older People’s Day on 1st October 2009. 


RESOLVED that the Older People Task Group be requested to report back to the Overview Board with its report and recommendations on 2nd February 2010.


Forward Plan of Key Decisions - 1st September to 31st December 2009 pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


Members of the board gave consideration to the Forward Plan which referred to the key and non-key decisions which were due to be made by the Cabinet during the period 1st September to 31st December 2009.


The Procurement and Value for Money Action Plan was identified from the Forward Plan as procurement was an issue that had been raised by Corporate Management Team (CMT) on 11th August 2009 as a possible area for consideration by Overview and Scrutiny.  The action plan was due to be considered by Cabinet on 2nd September 2009.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Choice Based Lettings Scheme was identified from the Forward Plan.  Members were interested to know how the scheme would be enhanced and developed.  A decision on this was due to be made by Cabinet on 4th November 2009.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Arts and Events Strategy 2010/2011 was considered from the Forward Plan and it was asked if older people are properly included in the strategy.  A decision on this was due to be made by Cabinet on 2nd December 2009.  It was suggested that it would be a good idea to publicise events happening at the Artrix. 


The Corporate Safeguarding Policy (Children and Vulnerable Adults) was identified from the Forward Plan.  A decision on this was due to be made by Cabinet on 2nd December 2009.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


RESOLVED that the Forward Plan of key and non-key decisions due to be made during the period 1st September to 31st December 2009 be noted and that the issues proposed as possible items for future consideration be noted and added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


Anticipated reports due to be considered by the Cabinet from January 2010 pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Consideration was given to the list of anticipated reports within each service area that were due to be considered by the Cabinet from January 2010.


The Treasury Strategy was identified from the Financial Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Contract and Procedure Rules update was identified from the Financial Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  It was proposed that this issue be linked to the procurement issue on the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The New Council House Accommodation item was identified from the Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  The Executive Director of Services reported back on the expected process for how this issue would be determined.  He said that by December 2010 there would be a report with more details. 


The Council Calls for Action, Crime and Disorder Legislation, Overview and Scrutiny, Boundary Reviews and Petitions item was identified from the Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  The Scrutiny Officer advised that briefing sessions and training were being planned for later this year and that a draft outline plan for this had been prepared.  Further information would be sent to councillors when the details had been confirmed.  In the meantime, if any councillor would like any information on the proposed Member training and development for Overview and Scrutiny or would like to contribute suggestions for Member training and development needs in Overview and Scrutiny they could contact him.


RESOLVED that the list of anticipated reports to be considered by Cabinet from January 2010 be noted and that the issues proposed as possible items for future consideration be noted and added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 58 KB


Members considered the items listed within the Work Programme for the Board.


The Scrutiny Officer informed councillors that a list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny was being compiled so that Overview and Scrutiny Members could make a more informed choice about what topics to consider and when to consider them.  CMT were being consulted as part of this process, to help identify the key strategic issues.  It was proposed that a meeting of all Overview and Scrutiny Members be held to discuss the list of possible topics for the Work Programme and that the Overview and Scrutiny boards then ratify the programme for the rest of the municipal year and the topics be scheduled around the meetings already planned, or as Task Groups where appropriate. 


It was proposed that the next meeting date on 6th October 2009 be used as a work planning event, to plan and agree the topics for consideration by Overview and Scrutiny for the rest of the municipal year.  The issues proposed at this Overview Board meeting would be noted as possible items for future consideration and added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny.  The Chairman had also submitted a number of possible topics and these had been added to the list. 


RESOLVED that the Overview Board's Work Programme be noted and items identified for possible future consideration be compiled for consideration at the Overview and Scrutiny work planning event on 6th October 2009.