Agenda and minutes

Overview Board - Tuesday 4th January 2011 5.30 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Amanda Scarce 

No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mrs. J. M. L. A. Griffiths.


Declarations of Interest and whipping arrangements


No declarations of interest or whipping arrangements were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Overview Board held on 2nd November 2010 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Civil Parking Enforcement Proposals


The Portfolio Holder for Community Services and the Head of Environmental Services were welcomed by the Board and provided an update on both the current position in respect of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) and car parking in general. 


The Portfolio Holder for Community Services explained that it was the Council’s intention to progress the implementation of CPE as it would be of benefit to the residents of Bromsgrove.  The work that was currently being done in respect of CPE would be included within a report to Cabinet covering a review of the whole car parking strategy for the district and would be presented to Cabinet in the early part of the next financial year.  The following areas were also discussed in more detail:


  • The handover from Worcestershire County Council (WCC) of CPE and provision of funding from WCC.
  • The cost of the implementation of CPE to the Council and the options for providing the service, for example a Shared Service or use of other providers.
  • Any additional income which the Council would receive from CPE in the future.
  • The areas within the district which CPE would cover, including the number of car parks the Council was responsible for and what would be covered under the CPE scheme.
  • The number of enforcement officers currently in post and any additional staff needed to implement CPE.
  • The cost effectiveness of car parking as a whole (including the enforcement times within the town centre and cost effectiveness of these).
  • The possible implementation of resident parking schemes and costs attached to this (the Portfolio Holder for Community Services confirmed that at the Board’s request, this would now be included within the review).


The Head of Environmental Services advised Members that, if everything went according to plan, CPE should be in place by mid 2011/12 financial year.  The Portfolio Holder for Community Services advised that research had been completed which showed that BDC did not charge the most for car parking (some of the charges had not increased for 7 years).  However, it was acknowledged that some improvements needed to be made, particular in changing people’s perception of the service the Council provided for car parking.


Briefing Paper - Garden Waste Future Developments pdf icon PDF 123 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Community Services drew Members’ attention to the section within the briefing paper which showed that Bromsgrove District Council (BDC) now had one of the largest paid for garden waste services in the Country and that other councils who were considering moving to a paid garden waste service were looking to BDC for guidance in setting up such a service.


The Board were advised that currently 8,381 payments have been received for next year’s service, around £260,000.  This was double what had been collected by this time last year.   The deadline was 14th January 2011 for payments, however the Head of Environmental Services confirmed that the Council would continue to take payments after that date.  The Board discussed the following in more detail:


  • The actual costs of providing the service, compared to the income it generated.  (The Head of Environmental Services confirmed he would be able to provide an exact calculation of this at the end of the financial year.)
  • How the scheme was staffed, considering that it only ran for 9 months of the year.
  • The possibility of providing an annual service and the costs attached to this.
  • The vehicles and maintenance of them.  Currently with the “sidearm loading” vehicles the Council used, 6 were run in order to keep 3 on the road due to their unreliability. (The Head of Environmental Services confirmed that a capital bid had been put forward for 4 new vehicles.)
  • The increased availability of brown bins in other areas due to the new vehicles, which would be able to provide access to areas not accessible with the old vehicles.
  • The availability of a second brown bin to those residents which had requested them.


The Chairman thanked the Portfolio Holder for Community Services and the Head of Environmental Services for the comprehensive updates they had provided for the Board.


Local Food Economy Task Group (Task Group Chairman: Councillor L. J. Turner)


Councillor L. J. Turner, Chairman of the Task Group, informed Members that after an initial, very informative meeting with the Economic Development & Town Centre Manager, the Task Group had unfortunately been put on hold.  This was due to a number of reasons, including the by election, the unavailability of witnesses and workload pressures on the Committee Services team following a member of staff leaving.


It was confirmed that the decision as to whether the Task Group would be re-started would be made at a future Board meeting.


Quarterly Recommendation Tracker pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Additional documents:


Members were advised that the Tracker contained a comprehensive summary of recommendations which had been made by various task groups.  Officers confirmed that in respect of the Improving Residents’ Satisfaction Task Group and the Community Involvement in Local Democracy Task Group any recommendations which had not been commented upon within the Tracker would be picked up when the 12 month reviews of the task groups took place in June 2011, and that the Older Peoples’ Task Group would be reviewed in April 2011.


After further discussion it was


RESOLVED that the Board notes the Quarterly Recommendation Tracker and the completed items be removed.


Forward Plan of Key Decisions - 1st January to 30th April 2011 pdf icon PDF 274 KB

Additional documents:


Members queried the inclusion of several items as Non-Key decisions, for example the Draft Core Strategy and Draft Town Centre Area Action Plan.  The Executive Director, Finance and Resources explained that such Non-Key decisions were outside of the budget and policy framework and were decisions that would need to be made by full Council.


Questions for Witnesses at meeting to be held on 1st February 2011 pdf icon PDF 63 KB


Following discussion it was confirmed that there were no items on the Work Programme for the meeting to be held 1st February 2011.


To consider any other business, details of which have been notified to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services prior to the commencement of the meeting and which the Chairman considers to be of so urgent a nature it cannot wait until the next meeting