Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions
Contact: Andy Stephens
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Mrs. J. Dyer introduced herself to the meeting and gave apologies on behalf of Councillor R. Hollingworth, who would normally have been Chairman at the meeting, but was unable to attend because of a family related issue.
Councillor Mrs. Dyer also welcomed Mrs. A. Pulsford to the meeting, representing Feckenham Parish Council, the only Parish Council within Redditch Borough Council's area, invited to attend the meeting as a result of the closer working relationship between Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough Councils.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Councils’ Forum held on 28th January 2010 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record. |
Presentation by Mr. A. Coel, Strategic Housing Manager "Identifying the need for rural housing and the part played by the rural housing enabler."
Minutes: The Chairman introduced Mr. A. Coel - Strategic Housing Manager at Bromsgrove District Council - to the meeting.
Mr. Coel gave a presentation on identifying the need for rural housing and the part played by the rural housing enabler.
The presentation covered the role of the Strategic Housing Section, housing priorities and how the priorities could be met through partnership working. In particular, there needed to be a focus on working with the rural housing enabler (at present Nigel Potter) to identify with the Parish Councils the local housing needs and where appropriate provide small scale new Affordable Housing.
Members of the Forum raised a number of questions with Mr. Coel and reference was made to recent planning applications at Alvechurch and Stoke Prior. The importance of undertaking Housing Need Surveys within Parishes, to provide supporting evidence for suitable planning applications was also discussed. Parish Councils could often assist with local publicity, distribution of information etc. which could reduce the costs involved.
At the request of the Forum, Mr. Coel undertook to circulate a copy of the presentation for information. |
Parish Councils' Charter - update The Parish Council Charter will be considered at the meeting of the Council on 21st April 2010. The references within the Charter to the Local Neighbourhood Partnerships have been deleted now that they have ceased.
The Forum also needs to determine the membership of a Parish Council Charter Sub-Group.
Minutes: It was reported that the Parish Council Charter was anticipated to be adopted at the meeting of the Council to be held on 21st April 2010. It was noted that 17 Parish Councils had signed up to the Charter.
RESOLVED that the question of the determination of a Parish Charter Sub-Group be considered at the next meeting of CALC. |
Minutes: The information circulated with the agenda for the meeting regarding any complaints about Parish Council members was noted.
It was reported that the Officer contact for any information on this issue was Debbie Parker-Jones - 01527 881411 /
RESOLVED that this be noted. |
Electoral Services / Parish Council Casual Vacancies (a) General Election
The Parliamentary General Election is to be held on Thursday 6th May 2010. The critical timetable dates are as follows:-
§ Nomination of candidates for the General Election must be received by 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 20 April § Registration applications must be received by 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 20 April § Applications for a postal vote or changes to existing arrangements must be received by 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 20 April § Postal ballot papers will be issued 23 - 30 April § Applications to appoint a proxy (someone who can vote on your behalf) must be received by 5.00 p.m. Wednesday 27 April § Hours of Poll are 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. on Thursday 6 May
Registration and Voting Applications available on our Websites or
Helpline: 01527 881 421 Email:
(b) Community Governance Review - Lickey End Parish Council
The Electoral Matters Committee meets on 12th April 2010 to approve the Terms of Reference for the Community Governance Review of Lickey End Parish Council to include the form of consultation process, the timetable and consultation leaflet.
(c) Parish Casual Vacancy Summary
Minutes: Reference was made to the information on the timetable for the forthcoming General Election as set out on the agenda for the meeting.
It was also reported that the District Council's Electoral Matters Committee was to meet shortly to consider the Terms of Reference for the Community Governance Review of Lickey End Parish Council.
Additionally, consideration was given to the Parish Council Vacancy Summary.
RESOLVED that the information be noted. |
Question re: Council Tax / Precept calculation "It is noted that the District Council 'surcharge' 10% over the declared precept."
(Note: This item has been added at the request of Mr. C. W. Bateman, Lickey End Parish Council.)
Minutes: Mr. C. W. Bateman, Councillor / Clerk to Lickey End Parish Council, requested information regarding Council Tax and the calculation of the Parish precept.
Ms. J. Pickering, Director of Resources at Bromsgrove District Council, responded to the issues raised and undertook to meet again with Mr. Bateman at a later date outside of the meeting if this was considered to be appropriate. |