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Contact: Pauline Ross
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chairman for the meeting Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor B. T. Cooper be appointed Chairman of the Sub-Committee for the meeting. |
Apologies and notification of substitutes Minutes: It was noted that Councillor C. J. Spencer, Reserve Member, was substituting for Councillor P. L. Thomas. |
Declarations of Interest To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests. Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Procedure Minutes: The Chairman opened the Hearing. Members of the Sub-Committee and officers present give brief introductions to the applicant’s representative and all those present, so that no person who may be in a position to influence the Sub-Committee withdrew from the meeting room with the Sub-Committee when the Sub-Committee considered its decision at the conclusion of the Hearing.
The Chairman welcomed all those present and apologised for the late commencement of the meeting.
At the request of the Chairman, all those present gave a brief introduction. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee was asked to consider an application for a Premises Licence, submitted by Belbroughton Beer Festival Limited, Kings Chambers, Queen Cross, High Street, Dudley, DY11 1QT, in respect of Belbroughton Recreation Centre, The Recreation Community Centre, Hartle Lane, Belbroughton, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, DY9 9TG.
The application was subject to a Hearing initially in light of twelve representations received from members of the public. The basis of the twelve representations was on the grounds of:-
· The Prevention of Public Nuisance · The Prevention of Crime and Disorder · Public Safety · The Protection of Children from Harm All those present were informed that Councillor B. T. Cooper had conducted a site visit, an unannounced visit to the site for which the premises license had been submitted.
With the agreement of the applicant’s representative, a larger scale map of the area, which detailed both public footpaths, was distributed to all those present.
The Licensing Technical Officer, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS), introduced the report and in doing so asked Members and all those present to note that following discussions and mediation with the applicant’s representatives, Lockett & Co, Retail, Licensing & Training Consultants; the representations received from the Environmental Health Team, WRS, had been withdrawn.
At the request of the Council’s Legal Advisor and in agreement with the Chairman and all those present, the information with regard to the representations received from the Environmental Health Team, WRS, and the conditions as agreed by the applicant’s representative was circulated to Members of the Sub-Committee and all those present.
The Licensing Technical Officer, WRS, drew attention to paragraph 2.4 in the report which detailed the licensable activities the applicant was applying for, as follows:-
In response to the Chairman, the Licensing Technical Officer, WRS, informed the Sub-Committee that WRS had not received any complaints with regard to previous beer festivals held on the site under Temporary Event Notices.
In response to the question raised by Mrs. P. Bridge, the Licensing Technical Officer, WRS, informed the Sub-Committee that under the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003, all responsible authorities were served a copy of the application. WRS were not responsible for the closure of public footpaths. Worcestershire County Council (WCC), Highways Department were responsible, therefore he was not in a position to comment on the closure or obstruction of a public footpath. The Licensing Technical Officer, WRS, highlighted that WCC, Highways Department were not classed as a responsible authority, and therefore they would not have been served a copy of the application.
The Licensing Technical Officer, WRS, further clarified that as a responsible authority West Mercia Police were served with a copy of the application and that no response objecting to the application had been received from them.
The case for the applicant was then put forward by ... view the full minutes text for item 5/16 |