Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 2nd August 2022 11.00 a.m.

Venue: Parkside Suite - Parkside. View directions

Contact: Pauline Ross 

No. Item


Election of Chairman for the meeting


RESOLVED that Councillor C. A. Hotham be appointed Chairman of the Sub-Committee for the meeting.



To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


On behalf of Sub-Committee Members, the Chairman stated that all Sub-Committee Members would be declaring an other disclosable interest, as one of the public speakers, addressing the Sub-Committee in support of the premises licence review; was an elected Member of the Council, Mr. A. Kriss and that Members were therefore acquainted with him.


However, there had been no discussions with him, with regard to the Premises Licence Review application for 57 Monkeys.


Councillor M. Thompson asked for it to be noted that he was employed by Bromsgrove School, which was near to the premises under review.


Local Government Act 1972

"RESOLVED: that under Section 100 I of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, as amended, the relevant paragraph of that part, in each case, being as set out below, and that it is in the public interest to do so:-


Item No.




1, 2 , 3 and 7




RESOLVED that under Section 100 I of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended, the relevant paragraphs of that part, being as set out below, and that it is in the public interest to do so:-


Minute No                  Paragraphs


10/22                          1, 2, 3 and 7”




Application for the review of a Premises Licence - 57 Monkeys, 39 Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, B61 7DN pdf icon PDF 425 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Hearing and asked all parties present to provide a brief introduction.


The Chairman noted that the premises licence holder had legal representation with them.


The Sub-Committee then considered an application for a review of a Premises Licence, in respect of 57 Monkeys, 39 Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, B61 7DN.


The Principal Officer (Licensing), Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) presented his report and in doing so explained that the premises was subject to a review Hearing in light of a review application received from PC K. Norris, acting on behalf of the Chief Officer of West Mercia Police. A copy of the review application was detailed on pages 1 to 8, of the Supplementary Agenda pack, issued on 27th July 2022.


The basis of the review was on the grounds of the four licencing objectives: -


·         The prevention of crime and disorder

·         Public safety

·         The prevention of public nuisance

·         The protection of children from harm


Representations had been received from the following Responsible Authorities: -


Mr. C. Poole, Acting Principial Officer in Community Environmental Health, WRS, as detailed on page 125 of the Supplementary Agenda pack issued on 27th July 2022.


Public Health Worcestershire, as detailed on pages 133 to 135 of the Supplementary Agenda pack issued on 27th July 2022.


Worcestershire Children First, as detailed on page 137 of the Supplementary Agenda pack issued on 27th July 2022.


Two representations supporting the review application, were detailed on pages 139 to 144, of the Supplementary Agenda pack issued on 27th July 2022.


Nine representations were received from other persons who had expressed support for the premises licence holders and the way in which the premises was operated by them, as detailed on pages 145 to 153 of the Supplementary Agenda pack issued on 27th July 2022.


As detailed in the review application the police had called the premises licence in for review, due to 57 Monkeys being a significant factor for the late night disorder on the Worcester Road, Bromsgrove.


At this stage of the Hearing and as highlighted by the Chairman, at the commencement of the Hearing, it was


RESOLVED that under Section 100 I of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended, the relevant paragraphs of that part, being as set out below, and that it is in the public interest to do so:-


Minute No                  Paragraphs


10/22                          1, 2, 3 and 7”


It was noted that Mr. A. Kriss left the meeting room during the exempt session.


At 13:39 hours the Hearing reconvened. The Chairman announced that the Hearing was no longer in exempt session.


At the invitation of the Chairman, the Other Parties to the proceedings, in support of the review application, namely Mr. A.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14/22