Agenda and minutes

Local Development Framework Working Party - Wednesday 17th September 2008 4.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Rosemary Cole  Andy C. Stephens

No. Item


apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors G. N. Denaro and C.J. K. Wilson.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.




The minutes of the meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Part held on 3rd July 2008 were submitted.


RESOLVED  that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Core Strategy


The Working Party considered a report on progress made towards the preparation of the Preferred Options Core Strategy and the proposed timetable for the remainder of the process.


The Chairman reminded the Working Party that the Core Strategy was a strategic level document which was required to be in line with national planning policy and in conformity in general with the West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS). There was a danger if fundamental alterations were made at this stage that the Strategy would be rejected by the Government as had occurred in other Authorities such as Lichfield District Council and Stafford Borough Council and which had resulted in delay and significant cost implications for those Authorities.


The Head of Planning and Environment confirmed that the Core Strategy was a very strategic document and it appeared to be a priority for the Government to compel Local Authorities to drive forward the production of Core Strategies which were in accordance with the RSS. The Strategy had to be flexible in order to meet the emerging phased revisions of the RSS in relation to housing figures and this clearly added to the complexity of the process. Once the approved Core Strategy was in place it would then be possible to introduce Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) which could relate to the issues which Members wished to see addressed.


Members of the Working Party expressed concern that the projected date for the adoption of the Core Strategy was July 2010 and that therefore no SPD could be put in place until after that date. There was concern that within the constraints of the amended planning system there was a lack of opportunity to take into account the specific needs of the District, particularly in view of an ageing population profile and the Green Belt situation.


Reference was made to the progress made on the various studies which had been commissioned or were being completed in house to form the evidence base of the Core Strategy and inform the Core Policies within the Strategy. A number of the studies were still awaited although they were due to be received shortly and the draft Strategy would be subject to further amendment to take account of the outcome of these. It was anticipated that a further meeting of the Working Party would take place in October 2008 to consider the final version of the Core Strategy prior to the Preferred Option consultation.


There was then detailed consideration of the Core Policies within the Core Strategy and it was


RESOLVED that the progress made on the production of the Core Strategy be noted together with the timetable and that the Core Strategy be revised and amended to take full account of the following comments:






CP2    Distribution of Housing


Policy options to be re-assessed to see if an allowance can be made for more development to take place in the more rural locations in the District.


CP3    Rural Regeneration


Amendments to be made to reflect the comments for CP2 and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.