Agenda and minutes

Local Development Framework Working Party - Thursday 3rd July 2008 4.30 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Rosemary Cole  Andy C. Stephens

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs. M. Bunker, E. J. Murray and Mrs. M. A. Sherrey JP.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.




The minutes of the meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Party held on 29th May 2008 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of Councillor C. J. K. Wilson in the list of Members who were present.


Additional Redditch Growth Study


The Working Party considered a report on the findings of the Redditch Growth Study undertaken by external planning consultants to provide an independent strategic and technical assessment for the four commissioning authorities of the implications for potential future growth within and adjoining Redditch Borough over the period to 2026.


Members were informed that since the original Study had been drafted, the Regional Assembly had agreed that as part of the Regional Spatial Strategy Phase 2 Preferred Option, the level of growth for Redditch should be 6600 dwellings, with 3300 to be provided within Redditch Borough and the balance to be provided in the neighbouring districts of Bromsgrove and/or Stratford-upon-Avon. The planning consultants had therefore been requested to produce a short Addendum to their Study and the report set out the principal findings thereof.


During the discussion reference was made to the question of boundaries and officers undertook to establish when the next review was due to be undertaken by the Boundary Commission.


RESOLVED  that the contents of the report be noted.


Redditch Joint Study Part 2 Brief


The Working Party considered a report on the proposed brief for the second stage of the joint Redditch Growth Study that it was intended to commission in the light of the Regional Spatial Strategy Phase 2 revision. This further Study would augment the broad findings of the previous Study (as referred to in the previous minute) in order to provide more detailed information including whether Redditch Borough could accommodate more than its 3300 dwelling designation and the optimum split of the remaining designation between the districts of Bromsgrove and Stratford-upon-Avon, the likely impacts of development and the key infrastructure issues.


It was proposed that the external planning consultants who had undertaken the earlier Study be commissioned to undertake this additional work.


During the discussion officers responded to Members’ queries and comments.


RESOLVED that the brief for the second stage of the Redditch Growth Study be approved and that consultants be commissioned to carry out the work.


Core Strategy Preferred Options


The Working Party considered a report on the proposed content and structure of the Preferred Options Core Strategy. Attention was drawn to a set of sixteen Strategic Objectives which had now been defined and provided the basis for the preferred spatial strategy for Bromsgrove by 2026. These were built upon national and regional planning policy objectives and addressed key local issues.


In view of the need for the Core Strategy to demonstrate that due regard had been taken of the local community strategy, it was proposed that topic headings would build on the key issues identified within the Sustainable Community Strategy produced by the Bromsgrove Local Strategic Partnership. Each topic would focus on several key areas and be underpinned by a small number of broad strategic policies.


During the discussion Members suggested that there was a need for more information to be provided to Parish Councils on the Local Development Framework process and how they needed to engage with this. Officers explained what actions they had already taken and also undertook to contact Parish Councils to arrange to attend their meetings during October/November.


RESOLVED that the progress made and the proposed format of the Core Strategy Preferred Options be noted.


Bromsgrove Town Centre Area Action Plan Issues and Options


The Working Party was advised that an update on the Bromsgrove Town Centre Area Action Plan Issues and Options could not be considered at the meeting as an urgent item of business due to non-compliance with the process set out in the Access to Information Procedure Rules within the Constitution.