Agenda and minutes

Annual Council, Council - Wednesday 22nd May 2019 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Parkside Suite - Parkside. View directions

Contact: Amanda Scarce  Jess Bayley

No. Item


Election of Chairman

Following election the Chairman will make a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.




It was proposed by Councillor K. J. May and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro and


RESOLVED that Councillor R. J. Laight be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.


Councillor Laight signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked Members of the Council for electing him to the Office of Chairman.



Election of Vice-Chairman

Following election the Vice-Chairman will make a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.




It was proposed by Councillor K. J. May and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro and


RESOLVED that Councillor A. J. B. Beaumont be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.


Councillor Beaumont signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked Members of the Council for electing him to the office of Vice Chairman.


Vote of thanks to retiring Office Holders


The Chairman paid tribute to the retiring Chairman, Councillor C. J. Spencer and presented her with a plant as a mark of the Council’s appreciation of her acting as Chairman.  It was proposed by the Chairman and


RESOLVED that the thanks of the Council be tendered to Councillor C. J. Spencer for services rendered as Chairman of the Council.


The Chairman presented Mr. J. Spencer with a small gift as a mark of the Council’s appreciation of his acting as consort to the Chairman during the year.


Election of Leader of the Council


It was proposed by Councillor G. N. Denaro and seconded by Councillor M. A. Sherrey and


RESOLVED that Councillor K. J. May be elected as Leader of the Council for a period of four years until the Annual meeting of the Council following the local elections in 2023.


Councillor May thanked Members of the Council for electing her to the office of Leader of the Council.




Apologies for absence were received form Councillors R. J. Deeming and R. Jenkins.


Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


Councillor R. Laight declared an other disclosable interest in his role as Chairman of the Trustees of the Primrose Hospice, his chosen charity for his year in office as Chairman.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 175 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 27th March 2019 were submitted.


During the consideration of the minutes the following areas were raised as a matter of accuracy:


·         Councillor C. Hotham asked for it to be noted that he was absent from the named vote as detailed on page 17 of the minutes as he had not returned to his seat in time, following a short adjournment of the meeting.

·         Councillor L. Mallett referred to page 21 of the minutes and asked whether the Leader had written to the Secretary of State for Health and Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell as stated in the minutes and whether any response had been received.  The Leader confirmed that she had written to the Secretary of State for Health and was awaiting a response.  She would be writing to John McDonnell the following day.

·         Councillor M. Thompson referred to the backlog of notices of motion following the previous meeting and suggested that the Group Leaders arrange to meet, prior to the next Council meeting, to discuss this.  The Leader was in agreement to this and agreed to make the necessary arrangements.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27th March 2019 be approved as a correct record, subject to the pre-amble above.


To receive any announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service


The Chairman confirmed that his chosen charity during his year of office would be the Primrose Hospice.  He also advised that the Reverent R. Khan would be his Chaplin.


To receive any announcements from the Leader including Appointment of Deputy Leader and membership of the Cabinet


The Leader announced that the Deputy Leader would be Councillor G. Denaro.  She also announced that the membership of the Cabinet would be as follows for the ensuing year:


Cllr Karen May                     Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, the Town Centre and Strategic Partnerships.

Cllr Geoff Denaro                Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling (including Governance/Policy and Performance/HR).

Cllr Shirley Webb                 Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing and Health and Well Being.

Cllr Adam Kent                     Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services.

Cllr Margaret Sherrey          Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services.

Cllr Phil Thomas                  Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Cultural Services and Community Safety.


Appointment of Committees 2019-20 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services.



Additional documents:


It was proposed by Councillor G. Denaro and seconded by Councillor K. May and




(a)       that for the ensuing Municipal Year, the Committees set out in the table in Appendix 1 of the report, be appointed and that the representation of the different political groups on the Council on those Committees be as set out in that table until the next Annual Meeting of the Council, or until the next review of political representation under Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, whichever is the earlier;   


(b)       that Members be appointed to the Committees and as Substitute Members in accordance with the nominations made by Group Leaders and as set out at appendix 1 to these minutes; and


(c)        that the terms of reference for the Boards and committees as set out at Appendix 2 to the report be confirmed.    


Scheme of Delegations pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor G. Denaro introduced the report and in so doing reminded Members that there had been a full review of the Scheme of Delegations in the previous municipal year, which had been considered by Council.  The Scheme of Delegations was regularly reviewed through the Constitution Review Working Group.  Any changes that had been made reflected changes in legislation, job titles and reallocation of functions and did not extend to actual delegations.  Councillor Denaro proposed that Council adopt the scheme of delegations and this was seconded by Councillor K. May.


RESOLVED that the current version of the Officer Scheme of Delegations as set out at Appendix 1 to the report be adopted.


Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


Council considered a report of the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services in respect of appointments to Outside Bodies.  Councillor G. Denaro listed and proposed a number of nominees to the Outside Bodies and these were seconded by Councillor K. May


RESOLVED that the appointments to outside bodies as set out in the appendix to these minutes be approved.



Appendices pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents: