Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 23rd November 2016 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Parkside Suite - Parkside. View directions

Contact: Sheena Jones  Rosemary Cole / Amanda Scarce / Pauline Ross

No. Item


apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C. Allen - Jones and H. J. Jones.


Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


There were no Declarations of Interest at this stage.


Former Councillor P. Lammas


The Chairman held a minutes silence in memory of the late Councillor P. Lammas. Members and officers stood in silence in tribute to his memory.


Councillors G. N. Denaro and L. C. R. Mallett both paid tribute to Councillor Lammas and recognised the work which he had undertaken on behalf of Bromsgrove. Sincere condolences were expressed on behalf of Members to his family.


Thanks were expressed to all Members, officers and members of the public for their condolences and it was noted that a book of condolence had been arranged and was available from the Chaiman’s Secretary.   



minutes pdf icon PDF 224 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21st September 2016 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21st September 2016 be approved.


The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th October 2016 were submitted.


Councillor L. C. R. Mallett drew attention to the question he had asked at that meeting i.e. Would the Leader resign if the Efficiency Plan was not delivered?.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th October 2016 be approved.  


announcements from the Vice-Chairman


The Vice – Chairman of the Council announced that on 26th November he would be attending the Rubery Christmas Lights Switch on event and on 14th December he would be attending the Carol Service at St John’s Church. All members were invited to attend these events.  


announcements from the Leader


The Leader made the following announcements:


A letter had been received from Marcus Jones MP Minister for Communities and Local Government which formally confirmed the Government’s multi year settlement offer which would cover the years 2016/17 to 2019/20. This followed the submission of this Council’s Efficiency Plan. The letter expressed the view that this was a first step towards Local Government becoming financially self sufficient.


Two Emails had been received from the Redditch and Bromsgrove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The first related to a proposed transfer of stroke beds from the Princess of Wales Community Hospital to Evesham from early 2017. There had been no consultation regarding this but it was claimed it was necessary for reasons of  clinical safety.  A joint letter expressing concerns including increased travel time for residents of Bromsgrove and Redditch was to be sent in conjunction with the Leader of Redditch Borough Council.


The second Email related to the financial challenge facing the Redditch and Bromsgrove  Clinical Commissioning Group. It was unlikely that the CCG would be able to deliver the savings requirement in 2016/17.  The CCG had an unmitigated financial risk of £8.7m and was not expecting to be able to meet the required 1% surplus mandated by NHS England. The Email set out the actions to be taken by the CCG, including a detailed Financial Recovery Plan to address the deteriorating financial position.


A number of Members expressed concerns regarding the RBCCG position. It was noted that Hagley and Alvechurch Wards were covered by other CCGs and no information was available. Councillor K. J. May confirmed that she would be attending a meeting with the Chief Officer of RBCCG on 1st December and would raise the concerns of Members.


The Leader also gave an update on the work undertaken in conjunction with Worcestershire County Council on the traffic and highways situation in the District. Consultant Highways Engineers, Mott McDonald had been appointed to undertake various tasks including assessment of the reliability of the Barham Traffic Model now used by the County Council when assessing Planning applications. 


Councillor L. C. R. Mallett queried details of the work being carried out by Mott McDonald as he was aware that other similar reviews were being undertaken and it was important that work was not unnecessarily duplicated.  Councillor C. B. Taylor confirmed that Mott McDonald were taking a “holistic approach” to examining the validity of the Barham model and would be consulting widely across the spectrum and not solely with applicants.  No major Planning Applications would be considered by the Planning Committee until all issues had been addressed.


Councillor Mallet  asked for  details of progress on the heating works  in the Parkside Suite. The Leader confirmed that the works would be taking place in January and February 2017 so they would not affect Christmas bookings.










comments, questions or petitions from members of the public

A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for members of the public to make a comment, ask questions or present petitions.  Each member of the public has up to 3 minutes to do this.  A councillor may also present a petition on behalf of a member of the public.



There were no public comments, questions or petitions on this occasion.



Recommendations from the Cabinet - 2nd November 2016 pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 2nd November 2016:


·         Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board – WRS Enforcement Policy;

·         Medium Term Financial Plan 2017/2018 – 2020/2021Budget Assumptions;

·         Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/2018;

·         The Council Plan;

·         ICT Infrastructure Resource;

·         Development Management Shared Services Business Case


(the associated reports for these recommendations are included at the back of the Council Agenda)


Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board – Enforcement Policy


The recommendation from Cabinet was proposed by Councillor G. N. Denaro and seconded by Councillor P. J. Whittaker.


RESOLVED that subject to the minor amendment detailed in WRS minute 15/16, the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy be adopted.


Medium Term Financial Plan 2017/18 – 2020/21 – Budget Assumptions


The recommendation from Cabinet was proposed by Councillor G. N. Denaro and seconded by Councillor C. B. Taylor.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Denaro referred to the proposed budget parameters which were set out on page 69 of the agenda pack and which would be incorporated into the budget process.


During the discussion there was mention of the lack of reference to the Council’s Efficiency Plan within the report. There was some concern expressed regarding the proposal to set price inflation at 0% in view of the current economic climate and Members also wished to see a Capital Review undertaken as soon as possible.


As an amendment it was proposed by Councillor C. A. Hotham and seconded by Councillor S. R. Colella that the recommendation from the Cabinet  also include a requirement that the Medium Term Financial Plan be extended to cover the next four years. The amendment was accepted by the proposer and seconder.



(a)       that the revenue assumptions as detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the Cabinet report (relating to increase in Council tax; pay award; funding the pension liability; price inflation; utilities inflation and discretionary fees and charges) be incorporated into the budget setting process; and

(b)       that the medium term Financial Plan be set for a four year period up to the financial year 2020/2021.


Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/2018


The recommendations from Cabinet were proposed by Councillor G. N. Denaro and seconded by Councillor C. B. Taylor.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Denaro referred to the intention to simplify the administrative process in respect of the Council Tax Support Scheme (CTSS). The proposed changes would not impact on current claims but on new claims and on re-assessed claims. The Scheme was locally funded and  it was important that the scheme was kept in line with the Housing Benefit  Scheme in order to simplify the administration and enable claims to be dealt with in tandem. Officers would continue to work with residents suffering hardship to provide additional support and financial advice. The simplification of the consultation process would still enable the public and partner organisations to give their views and would enable the Authority to react more easily to changes in Government guidance. 


Some Members were concerned that the Scheme was not helping those in the most need. There was some concern that the impact of the changes on Benefit claimants could not at present be analysed accurately. It was also queried whether a hardship fund of £25,000 was sufficient and whether there was enough flexibility in this.


Councillor Denaro recognised the limited  information available at present, but stressed the changes would not impact on current claimants. It was anticipated that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65\16


minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 5th October 2016, 13th October 2016 and 2nd November 2016 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 5th October 2016, 13th October 2016 and 2nd November 2016 were received for information.


report from the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, Regulatory Services and Community Safety pdf icon PDF 268 KB

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item; no longer than 10 minutes for  presentation of the report and then up to 3 minutes for each question to be put and answered.



It was agreed that consideration of this item be deferred until the following Council meeting as the Portfolio Holder, Councillor R. D. Smith was unable to speak.


It was confirmed that the report would be amended to include the new WRS  Enforcement Policy. It was also agreed there would be information relating to the maintenance and repair of playgrounds.  



Membership of Committees

To note the following change to Membership of the Licensing Committee:


Councillor J. M. L. A. Griffiths replaces Councillor P. Lammas on the Committee



RESOLVED that the appointment of Councillor J. M. L. A. Griffiths to the Licensing Committee in place of the late Councillor P. Lammas be noted. 



Questions on Notice

A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.


To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


Question submitted by Councillor C. M. McDonald


“Why has Bromsgrove District Council sat back and allowed an unlicensed tip to develop on the Rose and Crown car park in Rubery: has it learned nothing from what happened at the Marlbrook Tip?”


Councillor C. B. Taylor responded that the site was under investigation by a Planning Services Case Officer and that Councillor McDonald had been contacted regarding this. The matter had been reported on 20th October and would be addressed fully when all the facts were known.


Councillor McDonald referred to an earlier reporting of the matter in August 2016.


Question submitted by Councillor M. Thompson


“Can the Leader give an update on the potential and long overdue agreement with BAM regarding the demolition of the Town’s sports hall?”

Councillor P. J. Whittaker responded that Councillor Thompson appeared to be under a misapprehension that BAM were connected to the demolition of the sports hall.


Councillor Whittaker reported that the agreement with BAM regarding access to the sports hall and gym at North Bromsgrove High School was nearing completion. The last meeting had taken place the previous week and the legal section was now finalising the agreement for signature. This however was nothing to do with the demolition of the sports hall.


Councillor Thompson stated that he was fully aware that the two issues were unconnected.


Question submitted by Councillor P. M. McDonald


 “Would the Chairman please inform me how much monies has been paid to employees while on suspension over the last two years (April 2014-16)?”


Councillor G. N. Denaro responded that the sum was £7,093.



Notice of Motion - New Hackney Cabs pdf icon PDF 106 KB

A period of up to one hour is allocated to consider the motions on notice.  This may only be extended with the agreement of the Council.



Members considered the following notice of motion submitted by Councillor C. M. McDonald:


“That this Council takes positive action in adopting a policy that ensures all new Hackney Cabs will be wheelchair accessible vehicles.”


The motion was proposed by Councillor C. M. McDonald and seconded by Councillor S. P. Shannon.


In moving the motion Councillor McDonald referred to the difficulties those people using wheelchairs experienced when trying to travel. Many authorities had already implemented this requirement for new Hackney Carriages and in her opinion there was no reason why this Council could not do the same. It was important in furthering the wellbeing of residents.


Councillor Shannon supported the motion and referred to passengers  using the new Railway Station in Bromsgrove which was accessible but  then being unable to complete their journeys due to inaccessible Hackney Carriages.


Councillor R. L. Dent indicated she was aware of the potential benefits of  such a policy but stated that there was a report due to be considered at Licensing Committee on this matter in March 2017 and it would be more appropriate to await that report and to allow Licensing Committee to consider the matter in the light of the information contained in the report. This approach had been agreed at the recent meeting of the Committee.


A number of Members felt that there was insufficient evidence at present to make a decision on the motion and that there was a process in place which would allow for a decision to be made in March 2017. 


Some Members felt it was important to support the motion and to begin the process of requiring Hackney Carriages to be wheelchair accessible. It was recognised this would only be in new vehicles and so would take some time to come fully into force. It was stated there had already been some delay in bringing the report forward to the Licensing Committee.


As an amendment it was proposed by Councillor K. J. May and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro that the Council reviews the policy on wheelchair accessible vehicles in the light of the Licensing Committee debate in March 2017.  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 18.3 a recorded vote was taken on the amendment and voting was as follows:


For the amendment: Councillors S. J. Baxter, S. R Colella, B. T Cooper, R.J Deeming, G.N. Denaro, R. L. Dent, J. M. L. A. Griffiths, C. A. Hotham, R. E Jenkins, R. J Laight, K. J. May, S. R Peters, M. A. Sherrey, R. D. Smith, C. J. Spencer, C. B. Taylor, P. L. Thomas, L. J. Turner, S. A. Webb and P. J. Whittaker (20).


Against the amendment: Councillors C. J. Bloore, M. T. Buxton, L. C. R. Mallett, C. M. McDonald, P. M. McDonald, S. P. Shannon and M. Thompson (7).


On being put to the vote the amendment was declared to be carried.


As a further amendment it was proposed by Councillor C. Bloore, seconded by Councillor C. McDonald, that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70\16




The Chairman agreed to consideration of this item as urgent on the basis that the consultation closed before the next meeting of the Council.


Councillor C. J. Spencer declared an Other interest in this item as a member of the Bromsgrove Rail User Group.


Councillors L.C.M Mallett and S. P Shannon referred to a letter from the Bromsgrove Rail Users Group outlining concerns about proposed changes to the timetable for Cross Country Trains.  A copy was circulated to Councillors for their information.


The Council noted that the proposed changes to the timetable would reduce the number of Cross Country trains calling at Bromsgrove station with effect from December 2017.  It was suggested that the proposals would adversely affect residents, particularly those using the service to travel to destinations the south of the town. 


Councillors unanimously agreed that the Chief Executive should write to Cross Country trains expressing the Council’s concerns at the proposals.



That the Chief Executive respond to the consultation on timetable changes for Cross Country train services, expressing concerns on behalf of the Council.