Agenda and minutes

Virtual Meeting, Planning Committee - Tuesday 16th March 2021 6.00 p.m.

Contact: Pauline Ross 

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes


An apology for absence was received from Councillor M. Glass with  Councillor M. A. Sherrey in attendance as the substitute Member.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


Councillor J. E. King asked for it to be noted that she was a Committee Member of CPRE, the countryside charity, Worcestershire.


Councillor S. G. Hession asked for it to be noted that in her role as a District Councillor she knew Mr. A. Bailes, who was addressing the Committee on behalf of Whitford Vale Voice; however, she had not discussed the two applications, 16/0335/OUT Land at Perryfields Road, Bromsgrove and 20/00300/FUL – The former Greyhound Public House, 30 Rock Hill, Bromsgrove, with Mr. Bailes.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 227 KB


The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15th February 2021, were received.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 15th February 2021, be approved as a correct record.


Updates to planning applications reported at the meeting pdf icon PDF 756 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman announced that Committee Updates had been circulated to all Planning Committee Members and he asked if all Members had received and read the Committee Update reports.


The Charman took the opportunity to inform all those present that the public speaking time had been increased to 15 minutes per category; and that officers would be presenting a joint presentation for Planning Applications 16/0335/OUT – Land at Perryfields Road, Bromsgrove and 20/00300/FUL – The former Greyhound Public House, 30 Rock Hill, Bromsgrove.


The Development Management Manager, Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough Council’s clarified that the 15 minutes public speaking time was the combined total for both applications.


16/0335/OUT - Outline application for the phased development of up to 1,300 dwellings (C3); up to 200 unit extra care facility (C2/C3); up to 5HA employment (B1); mixed use local centre with retail and community facilities (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1); First school, open space, recreational areas and sports pitches; associated services and infrastructure (including sustainable drainage, acoustic barrier); with matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (including internal roads) being indicative and reserved for future consideration, except for details of the means of access to the site from both Kidderminster Road and Stourbridge Road, with associated highway works (including altered junctions at Perryfields Road / Kidderminster Road and Perryfields Road / Stourbridge Road) submitted for consideration at this stage - Land At, Perryfields Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire - Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Officers stated that, as highlighted by the Chairman, the Committee would receive a joint presentation for Planning Applications 16/0335/OUT and 20/00300/FUL; with input from officers from Jacobs Engineering representing Worcestershire County Council (WCC), Highway Authority and WCC Highway officers.  


Members were further informed that, as briefly detailed on pages 9 and 125 of the main agenda report, both applications would be determined by the Planning Inspectorate at a public enquiry currently scheduled to convene in May 2021.


Three Committee Updates had been issued, copies of which were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Committee Update 1 – detailed information from WCC Highway Authority, with regard to 2 conditions being proposed.  Whitford Vale Voice a summary of their remaining concerns and Bromsgrove Society highways issues and Officer comments. 


Committee Update 2 – response from WCC Highway Authority and Mott MacDonald to further representations received.


Committee Update 3 – Case Officers comments to concerns raised by the general public regards the established herd of deer on the site.  Detailed information with regard to s106 contributions and amended condition in respect of the Construction Environment Management Plan. Updated presentation slide 22 – Sustainable Transport Summary.  


Officers reported that in brief the outline application was for the phased development of up to 1,300 dwellings, employment use, community facilities, a first school, recreation and sports facilities and open space.  The full details were shown on page 9 of the main agenda report.


The applicant had offered to incorporate 10 self-build plots as a component of the 1,300 dwellings. 


The Perryfields Road site was one of three sustainable urban extensions allocated (as BROM2) under Policy BDP5 of the Bromsgrove District Plan.


Members were asked to note, that part of the development plan allocation had already been met in the form of a development of 100% affordable housing situated towards the north eastern end of the allocation.  Accordingly, the residual requirement for affordable housing on the application site was 30% in this case, as opposed to 40%.


The site was located to the south of the intersection between the M5 and the M42, extending between the A448 Kidderminster Road to the south, the B4091 Stourbridge Road to the north-east, and bounded by the residential area of Sidemoor to the south east.  The site sat within the Perryfields Ward.


The majority of the site lay outside the designated Green Belt and encompassed that identified as BROM2, in the Bromsgrove District Local Plan.  A relatively small area of land to the northern end of the site extended into the designated Green Belt.


A new school would be constructed, as due to the quantum of the site, it necessitated a new school being built.


In order to mitigate the impact of motorway noise an acoustic barrier which would comprise of an earth bund and fence with planting being proposed. 


With regards to sports provision, there would be a linkage through to the existing open space.  The s106 agreement included the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 99/20


20/00300/FUL - Alterations to the junction of Fox Lane and Rock Hill to form a roundabout junction. Demolition of the existing building (The former public house 'The Greyhound Inn') - The Former Greyhound [ph], 30 Rock Hill, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 7LR - Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd pdf icon PDF 586 KB

Additional documents:


As highlighted at the commencement of the meeting, the Committee received a joint presentation for Planning Applications 16/0335/OUT and 20/00300/FUL. 


Members were also further informed that, as briefly detailed on pages 9 and 125 of the main agenda report, both applications would be determined by the Planning Inspectorate at a public enquiry currently scheduled to convene in May 2021.


Three Committee Updates had been issued, with Committee Updates 1 and 3 containing information on this application.  Copies of the Committee Updates were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Committee Update 1 – Bromsgrove Society heritage issues and Officer comments to those issues; and Revised Condition 2. 


Committee Update 3 – further representations received from the public and Officer comments, as detailed on page 5 of the Committee Update 3. 


The application sought alterations to the junction of Fox Lane and Rock Hill to form a roundabout junction; with the demolition of the existing building (The former public house ‘The Greyhound Inn’).


Members were informed that the scheme submitted by Taylor Wimpey for the proposed alterations to the junction of Fox Lane and Rock Hill was identical to that which had been accepted by Worcestershire County Council for the Whitford Road scheme.


Officers clarified that the Albert Road access was solely to serve maintenance of the remnant land, no residential development was being sought in this application.  The access would be retained to allow the site to be served by maintenance vehicles for landscaping work. However, Members were asked to note that the Catesby Estates Ltd development of Whitford Road scheme did include some residential development on the application site.   


At this stage in the meeting the Chairman announced that Members and officers would be taking a comfort break.


Accordingly, the meeting stood adjourned from 19:55pm to 20:22pm.


Having reconvened, the Chairman announced that Councillor J. E. King would no longer be taking part in the meeting.


Members agreed to go straight to the vote, as officers had provided answers to questions, with regard to this application, raised by Committee Members during the debate on application 16/0335/OUT.


Therefore, the substantive view of the Committee was as follows:


RESOLVED that full planning permission would have been granted,


a)    authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to discuss the final scope and detailed wording and numbering of Conditions, as set out in the report; subject to:


b)    revised Condition 2, as detailed on page 18 of Committee Update 1.