Agenda and minutes

Virtual Skype Meeting, Planning Committee - Monday 7th September 2020 6.00 p.m.

Contact: Pauline Ross 

No. Item


Apologies for absence and notification of substitutes


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A. B. L. English and P. M. McDonald.  It was noted that Councillor H. Rone-Clarke should have been in attedance as the substitute member for Councillor P. M. McDonald.


Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


There were no declarations of interest.


Updates to planning applications reported at the meeting (to be circulated prior to the start of the meeting) pdf icon PDF 19 KB

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The Chairman confirmed with Members if they had received and read the Committee Update which had been published and circulated prior to the commencement of the meeting. 


Councillor P. J. Whitaker explained that due to other commitments he had not read the Committee Update.


Tree Preservation Order (No.6) 2020 - Tree/s on land at White Lodge, Woodcote Green, B61 9ED pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman informed the Committee that he had received a request to defer this item, as a member of the public had requested to address the Committee; however, there was currently no provision in the Council’s Constitution, Planning Committee Procedure Rules, Public Speaking Rules, for members of the public to address the Committee with regard to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO’s).


The Committee considered a report which detailed proposals to confirm, without modification, Tree Preservation Order (No.6) 2020, relating to trees on land at White Lodge, Woodcote Green, B61 9ED.  


Officers provided a detailed presentation and clarification on matters raised in regard to the management of trees the subject of Tree Preservation Orders. 


Following a statement made by Councillor A.J.B. Beaumont, the Council’s Legal Advisor took the opportunity to advise the Chairman that the report presented by the officer, was for discussion by Members of the Committee and that it was not appropriate for Councillor Beaumont, as Ward Member, to present a statement on behalf of the applicant. 


In response to Councillor P. J. Whittaker, the Council’s Legal Advisor further reiterated that, as stated by the Chairman, currently there was no provision for members of the public or Ward Members to address the Committee on TPO’s.  The Council’s Planning Committee Procedure Rules, Public Speaking at Planning Committee, allowed members of the public and other parties to EITHER give their views in person OR in writing about an application for planning permission which affected them when it was being considered by the Planning Committee.


The Chairman further commented that the Planning Committee Procedure Rules, Public Speaking at Planning Committee, in respect of TPO’s, would be referred to the Council’s Constitution Review Working Group for consideration.


Officers responded to questions with regard to the granting of a temporary TPO.    


Further discussion followed in respect of public speaking on TPO’s. 


RESOLVED that Tree Preservation Order (No.6) 2020 relating to trees on land at White Lodge, Woodcote Green, B61 9ED, be confirmed without modification, as detailed in the Provisional Order on Appendix 1 to the report.


19/01153/REM - Application for the approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission ref. 16/1085 for residential development consisting of 150 dwellings together with access, parking, landscaping and associated works (Phase 3) - Longbridge East and River Arrow Development Site, Groveley Lane, Cofton Hackett - St. Modwen Homes Limited pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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The Chairman informed Members that officers would be presenting a joint presentation for Applications 19/01152/FUL and 19/01153/REM – Longbridge East & River Arrow Development Site, Cofton Hackett, but each Application would be considered, debated and voted on individually. 


At this stage in the meeting, the Committee agreed to change the running order of the agenda.


Officers gave a detailed presentation on Applications 19/01152/FUL and 19/01153/REM and in doing so reminded the Committee that outline planning permission was granted for 150 dwellings on this area of land under a hybrid application ref 16/1085.  The hybrid application had also included a detailed scheme for the community centre which had since been built and was now functioning on site.


Both applications were adjacent to each other within the area allocated as H2 in the Longbridge Area Action Plan on land formally known as East Works.  Birmingham City Council had no comments to make on either proposal and had not requested any open space contributions on this occasion.


The Committee then considered the Application, which Officers had recommended for approval.


Officers reported that one additional letter of objection had been submitted and that Condition 5 had been revised, as detailed in the published Update Report, copies of which were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website, prior to the commencement of the meeting.


This application was for the approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale), pursuant to outline permission for residential development consisting of 150 dwellings together with access, parking, landscaping and associated works (Phase 3).


The development comprised of a 5 storey apartment building providing 57 units.  Under croft car parking would be provided for the apartments with vehicular access off East Works Drive.


Officers further reported that Birmingham City Council had no objections to the scheme and had supported the proposals. 


There were a number of objections to the scheme which mainly related to traffic problems and the apartment building.


Officers commented that as stated earlier that, as a result of negotiations with the agent, Highways Authority and Urban Designer, it was agreed that a through route would be provided and that this would give good connectivity within the site.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mrs. C. Naughton addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  A written statement from Ms. S. Jones, in objection to the application was read out by an officer. Mr. J. Tait, the applicant’s agent addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant. 


With the agreement of the Chairman, Councillor J. E. King stated that she was disappointed that the Neighbourhood Development Plan had not been mentioned.  Neighbourhood Development Plans enabled local people to come together to decide how they wanted an area to develop and to minimise any impact on local residents, amenities and to give careful consideration to noise, privacy and light from any proposed developments.  The proposed 5 storey apartment building would be too high and overbearing, taking light away from the back gardens of the houses next to it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29/20


19/01152/FUL - Full planning permission for residential development consisting of 18 dwellings (phase 3a) together with access, parking, landscaping and associated works - Longbridge East and River Arrow Development Site, Groveley Lane, Cofton Hackett - St. Modwen Homes Limited pdf icon PDF 185 KB


Consideration of this matter was deferred to a future meeting of the Planning Committee.



20/00483/FUL - Demolition of nos. 163 and 165 Birmingham Road and construction of five detached dwellings - 163 - 165 Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 0DJ - William & Jane and Roy & Susan Thorn and Hughes pdf icon PDF 257 KB

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Officers clarified that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor R. Laight, Ward Member.


Officers presented the report and presentation; and explained that planning permission was being sought for the demolition of no’s 163 and 165 Birmingham Road and the construction of five detached dwellings. 


The site comprised of two residential dwellings fronting Birmingham Road and their curtilages.  The site was located between a number of residential dwellings fronting Birmingham Road, with dwellings within Oakland Grove and All Saints Road.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the ‘Impact on 163 and 165 as a non-designated heritage asset’ as detailed on pages 85 and 86 of the main agenda report.  It was noted that although 163 and 165 were heritage assets of low significance, it was considered that their demolition would result in an impact.  The benefits of the proposed redevelopment were however more substantial. 


Officers drew Members’ attention to the ‘Illustrative View’ provided by the Applicant. 


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mrs. S. Jones, Mrs L. Baker and Ms. A. Wardman, addressed the Committee in objection to the Application.  Ms. G. Jenkinson, the Applicant’s agent and Councillor R. Laight, in whose Ward the Site was located also addressed the Committee.


The Committee went on to consider the application which officers had recommended for approval.


Officers responded to Councillor P. J. Whittaker with regards to the ‘Existing and Proposed Street Scene’ slide. 


RESOLVED that Planning Permission be granted subject to the Conditions as set out on pages 92 to 96 of the main agenda report. 







20/00824/FUL - Extension to rear of existing garage - 52 Hartle Lane, Belbroughton, Stourbridge, Worcestershire, DY9 9TJ - Mr. S. Plant pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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Officers presented the report and presentation and in doing so explained that planning permission was being sought for an extension to the rear existing garage at the premises.   


The application site was located within the Green Belt in the village envelope of Belbroughton.  New buildings in the Green Belt were considered to be inappropriate development subject to a closed list of exceptions.  An exception to inappropriate development was the extension to a building provided the extension was proportionate to the original building. 


The proposed extension was 23% above the original and this was considered proportionate and thereby appropriate development in the Green Belt,


Officers responded to questions from Members and provided clarification on the floor plans and that the purpose of the proposed extension was to enable the applicant to carry out restoration works, restoring cars.


Officers further informed the Committee that one objection had been received raising concerns over an increase in noise caused by the car restoration business.  Given the small scale of the extension with no proposed windows, in the position of an existing Permitted Development shed, officers would not expect the existing use within the building to be materially increased as a result of this proposed development to the detriment of the neighbouring property.


Officers responded to Councillor P. J. Whittaker with regards to Condition 5 and it was noted that the Council’s Tree Officer had requested that the Hawthorn tree located to the south of the development to be protected throughout the construction phase of the development.  Officers also clarified that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration as the applicant was an employee of the Council.


RESOLVED that Planning Permission be granted subject to the Conditions as set out on pages 123 and 124 of the main agenda report.